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I may have found my "crew"


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Just recently I have discovered a photo club through a small downtown arts centre

I've been to two events they have done, the photo group only started up in the summer but with a strong focus on the urban downtown

The camera club I've been a member of since 2007 is mostly focused on landscape, this being Alberta... It's refreshing to spend time with people who value/enjoy urban photography, even though at 51 I feel like the old guy... They are pretty much a young crowd, and I hope to spend more time with them, and this club is free

I will still continue to renew my membership in the other club ($70 per year), as they are good folks even if most members don't appreciate my photography...
If some members are not appreciating your photography, is it because you have "an eye" for certain things that they do not? Sounds like a learning opportunity. ;)
I live in Calgary, people on here know that...

Vast majority of photographers focus on nature, given that we have lots of that here... Banff of course being a mere one hour drive away...

I've always been drawn more to the urban, and that generally puts me in the minority... I rarely go to Banff actually , but then I grew up on family vacations to the mountains, because I grew up here...

So finding this new group is refreshing for me

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