Well-Known Member
I'm not officially diagnosed with Asperger's yet, but I think I have it and am going to the doctor soon. But that's not the point. There's this history assignment at school (I'm in 11th grade) and it involves, on your own time, talking to random teachers you don't know after school and they "interview" you about immigration, and one of them is you have to sing to the principal. I am absolutely terrified and cry every day just thinking about the social encounters. Plus, you have to do a lot of three page papers and stuff. I'm fine with essays, but I can't handle the social aspects. Should I suck it up and do it though I'm getting panic attacks from the thought of it, or should I talk to him about an alternative assignment? Asking him for an alternative is scary too... Am I crazy or is this normal for Aspies? What would you do, and have you ever done something similar? I'm just so scared and panicky, guys.