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I need the work shift but...


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
This past Sunday, on a long weekend, I had to work all day on the same day a large classic car cruise happened... I just simply missed out :(

My work week since then went sideways (long story - nothing to do Autism), now I have a shift for tomorrow but it's a rather late start at 10 AM

Problem? Assuming it's an eight hour shift, it ends at 6:30... The same night as a car cruise night and a large night market I enjoy... We are down to the last few car cruise nights of the year (assuming weather cooperates), and only two more night markets... Basically it will be really hard to make it to both of them after work, and I'm not really happy about that

But I really do need the work shift, just feel like I'll miss out on other parts of my life that I enjoy as winter approaches fast enough

Then again I've been to lots of cruise nights this year and it has been good, maybe I fuss too much :rolleyes: I need to let life happen sometimes, something I'm trying to learn...
Hey, how is everything? Great you got out to shows again. Good that things are more normal.
Update... Just got home at 10:30 PM

It was a half day job, no time problem there although I would have like a full day still (having said what I did above)

The guy I worked with is a recent immigrant from Nigeria and we hung out downtown over a coffee and a short walk...

Then I did head to the classic car cruise night after that (it was good), then headed to the night market to complete my day... I didn't go home at any point until I came home from the night market... Think I got a few good photos along the way, but I do know there is more to life than just that...

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