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I relate nothing to my zodiac sign


Look, I don’t really believe in astrology. I just wanted to let you know that I just don’t think I relate to my sign, I was born on Earth Day (April 22nd) which is Taurus, but some sources say it’s on the Aries-Taurus cusp, but anyway. I feel like the sign I relate most to would be Pisces or Capricorn. Being a Taurus on the spectrum doesn’t sound that fun, especially when you’re stereotyped as being “stubborn”.
Look, I don’t really believe in astrology. I just wanted to let you know that I just don’t think I relate to my sign, I was born on Earth Day (April 22nd) which is Taurus, but some sources say it’s on the Aries-Taurus cusp, but anyway. I feel like the sign I relate most to would be Pisces or Capricorn. Being a Taurus on the spectrum doesn’t sound that fun, especially when you’re stereotyped as being “stubborn”.

Because astrology is nonsense.
Zodiac signs and horoscopes can be tools to guide certain people on their way. To hopefully help them achieve things because they believe they are meant to achieve them that month or in their life. It is not something to be taken literal but more to use if you feel the need to, to guide you on your way.

Probably an unpopular opinion here but that is the same way I view the bible. The stories are guidelines to being a good human (in the opinion of the writers and the times) and not literal nodes of (pre-)historic events. That is also why so many things are bendable to the thoughts and believes of the reader. Instead of literal rules. (10 commandments aside, which still can be interpreted in different ways)
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I don't believe in Astrology either, but I did my full natal chart back in the day. I actually did relate it to myself, and thought it fit well enough, despite my heavy dose of skepticism. Later I learned the term "Forer Effect", I've linked below a description (also called Barnum effect). Anyway, planetary cycles are what planets do :)

I'd also like to say, for any who do believe, or are agnostic on, Astrology. The sun sign (or horoscope) is an extremely incomplete representation of an Astrological chart. All the planets and other heavenly bodies which are supposed to affect us count, to varying degrees. The moon is pretty important, the rising sign is pretty important, etc. So, even if a sun sign doesn't really synch, it could be that other influences are stronger for you.
Horoscopes=fortune cookies

Mbti is pure 100% accurate and of course you can divide the population up into a rigid 16 personality typing categories. (pure sarcasm)
I don't really believe in astrology either, and I definitely don't think my zodiac sign fits me (I am way too opinionated to be a Libra lol)

However, one time when I was in a Chinese restaurant, they had a Chinese zodiac calendar, and I learned that I was born in the Year of the Dog, which makes total sense and is probably the most fitting thing about me.

My personality type is completely spot-on though, and I know it isn't accurate for everyone.
In the chinese zodiac, the only thing I know is Fire element, Year of (Goat/Sheep/Ram) - these are all used for the animal.
In western astrology, I have 5 planets in Virgo (including sun).
Your mother who gave birth to you had a greater gravitational influence than the planets. I see a lot of confirmation bias among believers.
The reason I know so much about astrology without believing in it, is that I just love codified systems. Astrology has Planets, Signs, Houses, Elements, Polarity, and Quality. 12 is divisible by { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 } so the codes correspond in beautiful ways, to me. So the system was of interest, and the blurbs ... well as I said above, the Forer Effect had me almost wondering if it was real.
Astrology is one of my special interests. I love elements, numerology, and the like.
I also relate strongly to my sign although i have met a lot of people who don't fit their signs too.
Those who follow astrology is one of many red flags to me. Each to their own of course.

I saw something funny on Reddit recently, where someone said the Bryer Miggs test (INFP etc) was astrology for those who don't believe in astrology.

Those who follow astrology is one of many red flags to me. Each to their own of course.

I saw something funny on Reddit recently, where someone said the Bryer Miggs test (INFP etc) was astrology for those who don't believe in astrology.

I can certainly agree with that, I compared Bryer-Miggs to Astrology as well. They are both codified systems for categorizing personalities. And they are both about as accurate, in my opinion :)
The only thing I am interested in is astronomy. the Myer Briggs I sort of like as it is very similar to how colour is measured. something I spent my career working with. Same math whether it works or not is up for debate.
Maybe this belongs in the Religion section? Not a religion per se perhaps, but a belief system. And I think as such should be treated with some care and its adherents, respect.

I don't ascribe to it myself, but did at one time become curious about it and wonder if there was something there. One thing is for sure, is that it has a long history going back thousands of years and accross many cultures.
Maybe this belongs in the Religion section? Not a religion per se perhaps, but a belief system. And I think as such should be treated with some care and its adherents, respect.
Hmm. I don't know, it isn't really a religion. And I feel like everyone's been respectful so far, other than to say whether or not they believe in it.
As for myself, I have full respect for any who do subscribe to Astrology (or any other belief system) so long as no harm is done in the name of the belief.
Must Not be real when I look in the mirror I look nothing like this

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