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I Released an Album!


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody! Music is my biggest special interest and one that I plan on making into a career. I just released my first album and I'm very excited about it (and nervous), and I wanted to share it here!

It's a wide variety of genres (soul, rnb, alternative rock, pop, acoustic, instrumental) so hopefully there's something for everyone. Although my music tends to be very dramatic so if you're not into that then maybe not. A lot of it is about my struggle with mental illness but some of the songs are stories from other people's lives.


I look forward to seeing if you guys liked it!

P.S I also have another instrumental that isn't on the album here.
You could easily monetize this on youtube for a ton of money. Does take some effort but I think it's worth trying. Minimal investment for possibly a high return.
Music SHOULD be dramatic, shouldn't it? Awesome. I do this too. Never thought to post my album here...not gonna hijack your thread though I'll do it later somewhere else. All I do is music. My motto or whatever used to be "Games, girls, and guitars" which instead of being a motto I now realize is just a list of things I love that all happen to start with G & that's as clever as I could get about it. It's mostly just games & guitars now...God I am so socially compromized it is pathological. Anyway congratulations & good work. The production is way better than my crap, did you have any role in that?
Music SHOULD be dramatic, shouldn't it? Awesome. I do this too. Never thought to post my album here...not gonna hijack your thread though I'll do it later somewhere else. All I do is music. My motto or whatever used to be "Games, girls, and guitars" which instead of being a motto I now realize is just a list of things I love that all happen to start with G & that's as clever as I could get about it. It's mostly just games & guitars now...God I am so socially compromized it is pathological. Anyway congratulations & good work. The production is way better than my crap, did you have any role in that?
I would love to hear your stuff!
Yeah I did pretty much everything in terms of production, performance, composition, and recording. A couple weren't mastered by me and one song had live drums, guitar and bass that I did not do.
Mixing & mastering is so hard. I never thought I'd have to know this stuff & now I fall asleep on my keyboard every night reading production tutorials

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