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I stumbled acrossed this on the internet must read.

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Active Member
This completely disgusts me.Are there any decent human beings left?
Asperger-monsters are the most self-centred, selfish pieces of **** on the planet. Devoid of empathy, social reasoning, social context, or self-awareness, they are subhuman meat-calculators, who live to collect and catalogue items like barcodes, bottletops, and plastic crap. Common symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome include failing at social interaction and empathy, failing at communication, failing at getting a job, failing at life, failing at hygiene, becoming obsessed with cartoons or video games, and breaking out into fits of Stress™ when their strict routines are broken or when they're asked to stop being lazy, self-serving leeches living off the government and their parents.
Such losers believe that having Asperger's Syndrome excuses all forms of social retardation, attention whoring and ****** self-absorbed ********, while also allowing them to lay claim to its supposed symptom of "higher than average levels of intelligence".
Hello there breanna_lee, I think it goes without saying that I am wondering where you obtained this interesting bit of text, I find it to be an interesting if somewhat skewed viewpoint
This is likely a response to the people who act like crap and then try to excuse it by saying they have ASD (or anything else, for that matter). Obviously it makes we who actually have to deal with having it look bad, but you can't worry about this stuff too much, or it'll eat you up inside.
Sounds to me like whomever wrote that is extremely bitter and insecure; he clearly practices bullying Aspies into withdrawal out of fear we'll spot the blatant mistakes in his work. Clearly too insecure to work alongside someone who is intelligent and competent.
LOL, guys, it never ceases to amaze me, did it occur to anybody her mum could have written this, or some other person she trusts, she did not say where exactly she found it or who wrote it, and why do we always assume it is a male when something is not cool? A little bit of sensitivity never goes astray ; ]
Breanna_lee, sometimes people write things when they feel a particular way and later regret it, if it is somebody you know that wrote this without meaning you to see it, perhaps they deserve the benefit of the doubt, perhaps you could ask them if they have anything they wish to discuss with you relating to your being an Aspie and see what they say.
If it was a stranger then understandably there are people on the internet that just like to be complete idiots because the anonymity allows them to say whatever they like with no, or very little, consequence in relation to maximum damage, we even see that sort of person here from time to time.
If it was somebody saying it about you, regardless of whether you know them or not it stands to reason that you know better than them what sort of character you have and can live a long and productive life which is the opposite of what they would wish upon you.
I was taught in grade school that when the gender is unknown, we should use the male pronoun. No assumptions were made. I realize grade school was a very long time ago, but I haven't gotten into the habit of the whole 's/he' thing yet, and for that I apologize. Bad habits die hard.
I have to wonder what really prompted one to write such a thing? So much hatred over people who are simply different.

A very old, and very tragic story.
Encyclopedia Dramatica is pretty much designed to offend people, so I wouldn't really take anything on there as representative of a common view of Aspergers.

I think I will close this thread down now since there's no really compelling reason for us to have a thread about an Encyclopedia Dramatica article here.
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