For most of my life, I was told by my parents that I had Asperger's syndrome. Last year I found my old diagnosis paper and took a picture of it on my phone because I thought it'd be cool to have that. When I looked at it today I realized it said this, "OP's diagnoses are Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified (Rule Out Asperger's Disorder), and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Combined Type." I don't know if I'm misinterpreting this and didn't do the right research, but it sounds like it's saying I don't have Asperger's and just fall somewhere on the Autism Spectrum. I know they're basically the same thing, but I still feel like I've been lied to. I'm not sure what to do about it now. I'm thinking of getting another diagnosis, but I'm not sure where to go or what to look for. I did a Google search on places to get an Autism diagnosis, but I'm not sure how if any of them are good since they had ABA in their names and I've heard that isn't good. There are also the questions about what this means for me. Does that mean I've been getting the wrong treatment? Did my parents hide this from me? If so why? What do I do now if I find out I don't actually have it?
Please help me. I have no idea what I should do and it's really stressing me out.
Please help me. I have no idea what I should do and it's really stressing me out.