In all honesty, I think there is a legitimate role here for assisting those with disabilities and/or the elderly. I find now, especially with parents that are in their 70's and 80's and perhaps them living alone in "that house", not being able to care for themselves properly, keeping up with the household chores, cooking meals, shopping, etc. What if they fall and can't get to a phone? Sure, we can pay for a caregiver for them in the house, to stop by, check on them. Sure, we can demand they sell their home, their belongings, and enter into an assisted living facility or nursing home, but the costs of all of that are ridiculously expensive and pretty much demand that all assets be sold off before they qualify. It is such an upheaval in their lives and frankly, they want no part of it. It sucks. OR, for $25,000 (probably less), 1/2 the cost of a new car these days, you can purchase a very capable Optimus robot to be there for them. This is far and away, the cheapest option, and they can stay in their home.
I suggested my wife and I will likely have one, as well. The robot will be the home manager, the security system, the maid, the chef, and if we have plants that need watering while on vacation, pets that need taking care of while we are away traveling, that's going to be a very useful thing.
I agree with others here, I don't need something that is an "artificial human". Be a robot.