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I think the bigest and best thing about being mildly/Autistic is?

My abilities to focus on the relationships between data and really understand statistical uncertainty and power. The ability to learn and persevere to improve myself. I have found that my social deficits were not the negatives I thought they were compared to my delight in life.
I can look back over my life as I approach 76 and think.... Hmmm, that wasn't so bad after all; even though through the first 30 years or so I suffered from some major anxiety and depression. Now I see it from an enlightened viewpoint and have very little to complain about. :)
Like being weirdly different. Given to wild escapes of fantasy and then bringing back to earth like a Alice Wonderland Tea party where everybody floats down again.
I think we understand what you mean by "mildly" autistic,...it's sort of like saying "high-functioning" vs "low functioning",...we have some understanding of this,...but to some (not me personally) it represents antiquated terminology and perhaps some misinformation about autism, in general. Even "mildly" autistic individuals can have a lot of difficulties and sensory issues despite their high intelligences.

Getting that out of the way, I am going to interpret what you mean as those autistics with higher intelligences and/or whom may need "minimal" external support in their lives.

If there is anything that I appear to be exceptional at is pattern recognition,...specifically interpretation of graphical data,...understanding relationships between variables, etc. Within the context and perspective of my profession, I have yet to meet anyone that is my equal,...and I've been at it for over 35 years, talked to a lot of people, read a lot of literature, been to professional conferences, etc.
I'm not sure about bigest. It sounds like being able to reverse the direction of the digestive system. Can people do that? I would think that more of a flatwormy type thing.

I LOVE how excited I get when going down a wormhole of increasing knowledge on some topic that I had never heard of 24 hours earlier and now is consuming my interest.
I also like going back to my favorite musicians and listening to their music on their individual loops for hours. I do this as background music or as concentrated enjoyment while doing nothing else.
I'm not sure about bigest. It sounds like being able to reverse the direction of the digestive system. Can people do that? I would think that more of a flatwormy type thing.


Reverse peristalsis, and yes, it does happen. I have a living card catalog for a brain that lets me come up with ridiculously literal fables told in tessellated verse. I'm good with punny logic word puzzles.

I can out pun most people and I have the appalling habit of laughing at my own singular wit. But I love my pun soaked, movie quote toting humour. I have hackess to parts of my brain that most people don't.
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No matter anyone's race, religion, or position in life I see everyone as equals and treat everyone the same. Now sometimes that may rub some people in high positions the wrong way when I'll call them out on their bull **** when no one else will because of some made up title, but that's how you get crappy management.
I don't think a NT person can feel as content and happy as I feel when I'm researching my interests and find something I haven't learned yet. It makes my day and I'll tell absolutely anyone who wants to hear!

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