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I want to dye my hair but I’m scared of being called a faker.


Active Member
I really want green hair. Green is my favorite color and I think it would look nice. But I’m scared I’m going to be called a faker. I‘be had my diagnosis since I was five. There isn’t a day it doesn’t affect in some way. I don’t have my accommodations because they’re quirky. I have them because I need them. I hate all those people who constantly call people fakers. I spend way too much time torturing myself on fakedisordercringe. I’m sure you guys know what I’m talking about. I’ve already had people generalize me as “just a self diagnosed autistic “ or “not even really real “ I’ve seen other people told they’re romanticizing autism by having aesthetic stim toys. I’ve seen so much stuff. People get told they’re faking for not fitting the stereotype or fitting them too much. I hate the feeling that I have to prove my disability for people to respect it. I’m getting a haircut soon, I could dye it too. But I don’t want to look like a faker freak.
I bet the autism fakers/autism mockers only ever watched dharmann videos on autism and that one film by sia that is autism stereotypes galore.
I definitely understand what you’re talking about, and I think you are right that it will resonate with many of us. It’s been a long time since I was in school, though, and I can only imagine that your struggles in these areas are super heightened because of the already confusing social dynamics of school. So much pressure to fit in avoid ridicule when you are also just discovering yourself. It can be a cruel place to be.

I would say, go with whatever makes you feel really comfortable and truly yourself. Your hair really has nothing to do with autism, though I do understand what you’re talking about. But really, expressing yourself through your luxe is an OK thing to do.

Simply on a practical note, I wanted to add that getting the color green Can be a little bit difficult and it takes a lot of maintenance. Green is a tricky hair color to get really vibrant and it fades quickly. If you don’t mind me asking, what is your natural hair color, because that will determine how well your hair can take certain dyes.
I'll be honest, a lot of this regarding autism is over my head. Haven't really pondered or encountered such things.

When you have a tendency to overthink it's best to simplify things - if you want green hair, then get green hair. Just be prepared to encounter comments now and then. Choosing to look different does cause some loudmouths to say things.

Do things for yourself. Not for others. Similarly with not doing things. Don't prevent yourself from living the life you want to live through fear of "what if's" which may or may not ever happen.

A person's comment will upset you as much as you allow it to.

Confront your worse fears. So if l called you fake, do you really care that much? What is a faker anyways? Are you innovative and creative, willing to try something different? My best hairdresser loved playing with coloring, was very skilled, and made great money doing it. I didn't see anyone in her beauty salon calling her fake. Just have answers prepared for those people who are too afraid to step out of the box and do something different like you. Like ya, l know it's green, like slime, and l am loving it.
I relate to what you wrote a lot. I am not diagnosed bc autism is not well known in my country. Sometimes i even doubt that what i have is not even autism. But the truth of the matter is we struggle. I mean, why would someone fake a disorder is beyond me. People self diagnose bc we struggle and we don't understand why we struggle at all. Bc even psychiatrists aren't gods that know everything and in some countries medical science isn't that developed.

I want to dye my hair as well btw but also scared of people's reaction. I don't know what is the right thing to do.
Keep it all simple:

1) Dye your hair to whatever color your heart desires.

2) Keep your autism to yourself. (Need-to-know basis only.)
So much pressure to fit in avoid ridicule when you are also just discovering yourself. It can be a cruel place to be.

I would say, go with whatever makes you feel really comfortable and truly yourself.
Thanks. I’m going to try to remember this.
A person's comment will upset you as much as you allow it to.
I’m trying to remember this.
Confront your worse fears. So if l called you fake, do you really care that much? What is a faker anyways?
I wish I didn’t, but I would. It would mean that I could get called rude for missing someone’s sarcasm because I don’t actually have the condition that would cause that. It would mean I could be considered just annoying. I sometimes feel that’s what people think.
I mean, why would someone fake a disorder is beyond me. People self diagnose bc we struggle and we don't understand why we struggle at all.
THANK YOU! I wish those people understood this.
Keep your autism to yourself. (Need-to-know basis only.)
I don’t really know how to do this. I can not mention it, but it can be discerned a lot.
By "faker", do you mean "poser"? My daughter's generation would say "edgelord".
I don’t know what you mean by this. Can you explain please?
But just know, you are now old enough to get a job
I have one. I work at a bakery. It’s a small business, so I get a flexible schedule and stuff. It pays pretty well. And I just make dough and frosting, so I’m always in the kitchen and don’t interact with customers. Would colored hair still be a problem then?
Schoolkids are cruel to people who are different, and that extends into University. So much depends on your response and attitude. I am remembering much because over the past year I have been dealing with PTSD from that time in my life. I heard the little cruelties aimed at me, but I decided never to react. That made no difference, so I just ended up walling myself away from people. That was not healthy.
You are so responsible. Do you know how many kids don't have jobs? At about age 25, l did not care what people thought of me. If l was rude, or not personable, or so on. Every year, you will care less and less what your schoolmates think. When l was in college , l didn't care about other students at all. I was an adult, they don't pay my bills, they aren't coming to my funeral, so l don't give them any power.
@Gerald Wilgus
This member knows alot about this area. He really has done a 180 on himself, and has forgiven the cruel kids that he compared himself to, and he has embraced himself, which means less co-dependency on ***nobodies****
I also just wanted to add that it is a really good idea to schedule in an extra couple days and do a patch test 24 to 48 hours before you dye your hair. I have often been too impulsive and skip this step, but it really is important because allergies to hair dyes are quite common and when that stuff is all over your head and near your face it can really cause problems.

I haven’t confessed this yet on the forum, but when I recently dyed my hair black, I didn’t do a patch test and I burned my scalp and I am dealing with the repercussions now. I had actually used this dye before, but I hadn’t gone all the way to the roots. My scalp was burning, and my forehead and eyes were irritated and itchy for a few days. Now, the nasty part is that the burnt scalp is peeling off like a sunburn, a very unfortunate look for black hair. Luckily for me, it’s hat season here and I live in a beanie anyway.

Allergies like this can actually get much worse the more exposure you have to it, so I feel like I got lucky with a warning here and now I know much better and there will be no next time for me. But do the patch test, it will explain it in any hair dye box that you get. It could really be worth your while.

Also, use a little petroleum jelly around your forehead/hairline and on your ears and lower neck. That will stop any dye from seeping into your skin there. If it does, it will only last a few days, but you’ll get a really pro look if you don’t have green ears for a few days.
I also just wanted to add that it is a really good idea to schedule in an extra couple days and do a patch test 24 to 48 hours before you dye your hair. I have often been too impulsive and skip this step, but it really is important because allergies to hair dyes are quite common and when that stuff is all over your head and near your face it can really cause problems.

I haven’t confessed this yet on the forum, but when I recently dyed my hair black, I didn’t do a patch test and I burned my scalp and I am dealing with the repercussions now. I had actually used this dye before, but I hadn’t gone all the way to the roots. My scalp was burning, and my forehead and eyes were irritated and itchy for a few days. Now, the nasty part is that the burnt scalp is peeling off like a sunburn, a very unfortunate look for black hair. Luckily for me, it’s hat season here and I live in a beanie anyway.

Allergies like this can actually get much worse the more exposure you have to it, so I feel like I got lucky with a warning here and now I know much better and there will be no next time for me. But do the patch test, it will explain it in any hair dye box that you get. It could really be worth your while.

Also, use a little petroleum jelly around your forehead/hairline and on your ears and lower neck. That will stop any dye from seeping into your skin there. If it does, it will only last a few days, but you’ll get a really pro look if you don’t have green ears for a few days.
My wife had issues in the past with her hair breaking.
I spend way too much time torturing myself on fakedisordercringe. I’m sure you guys know what I’m talking about.

To be honest, I have no idea what you're talking about, and it sounds like something I probably don't want or need to know about either.
To be honest, I have no idea what you're talking about, and it sounds like something I probably don't want or need to know about either.
I forgot that most people on here are way older than me. Nope. You don’t want or need to know about it.
also just wanted to add that it is a really good idea to schedule in an extra couple days and do a patch test 24 to 48 hours before you dye your hair. I have often been too impulsive and skip this step, but it really is important because allergies to hair dyes are quite common and when that stuff is all over your head and near your face it can really cause problems.
Thanks for the advice.
i think dying ur hair would look so so cool & u should definitely consider it! green is such a nice colour, r u thinking forest or neon green? i think either will look stunning !
I really want green hair. Green is my favorite color and I think it would look nice. But I’m scared I’m going to be called a faker.
aw thats a shame u feel like u cant express urself bc u could b called a faker... personally from my experience expressing myself in a 'unique' way through the strange clothes i wear and how i have my hair has also garnered me some negative attention, but ive noticed im able 2 find ppl who i can connect with a lot easier, after i was confident enough to start expressing myself ive gotten to know the kindest, open minded, accepting, and wonderfully creative friends i could only dream of beforehand! if someones going to stop u from having green hair simply because its different or they think of it as a stereotype of a faker they shouldnt be ur friend! and if u already have green hair u can kind of filter those ppl out asap by just expressing urself before they can hurt u with some nonsense like this! hurtful people are going to find a different reason to call someone a faker no matter what so i think u should do what u want! at least thats my take.
How does dying one's hair green imply that they are faking their autism...?

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