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I want to hear about your autism discrimination story's

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Well-Known Member
If you have any story's about discrimination especially from doctors or mental health services I would like to know, please leave your story's hear so I can type them us anonymously and use them to try and improve things for adults with autism... With your help we can make a difference, thank you x
I had trouble connecting with organizations to help with my disability. Been told to give up on my trade, or that all I want is government money which I disagree with both. What I want is someone to give me a fair chance in employment as a software developer.

I have a pending application in a business program I want to get into. With endless discrimination I face, I decided now I stand up for myself. I did had a human rights case with someone and was able to get some support for it. I still have a long battle with many things in my life but I'm not giving up.
That's great to hear, I'm sorry for the discrimination you face and I know how hard that can make life sometimes, your story will really make a difference so thank you for participating
That's great to hear, I'm sorry for the discrimination you face and I know how hard that can make life sometimes, your story will really make a difference so thank you for participating

Glad it made a difference. I seen some aspies made videos on YouTube. It really helped me to feel better about myself. After I was hoping an site like this exist and here I'm :)
I would like to make a phone line to help people with autism, where they can receive advice about anything including social problems discrimination and just basically anything that is ruining their life
I would like to make a phone line to help people with autism, where they can receive advice about anything including social problems discrimination and just basically anything that is ruining their life

I want to do something about helping people if I get accepted in this business program. The reason is I find I would have more freedom to help people having a business compare to working full time for someone else. I learned the part of the country I am living in that they're not many good services to help people with disabilities compare to where I use to live. I hoping maybe I can make a difference one day as there are a lot of people like us need help.
Thinking about "discrimination" in the healthcare field...it's interesting for me to think about. I can't think of any outright instances of "discrimination," but certainly I have encountered doctors and therapists who overlooked, ignored, or didn't even know about my autism. Some were arrogant quacks, some simply out of their league of expertise (the latter tended to be those who worked in small towns and didn't have much more than a broad general knowledge of how to work with clients). One of these, he actually wouldn't listen to my concerns at all, refused to discuss any options, threw whatever drugs he wanted at me (this was an in-patient setting), and I have a feeling that if he even read my file, he probably thought he knew more than all those other doctors and therapists combined. If he read my file and if he were sensible enough to believe it, he wouldn't have given me the drugs he did.
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