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I was stopped!


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Driving home late tonight through the inner city, after dark... I was at an intersection, and I was stopped, and I did see the cyclist so I stopped, it was also a stop sign anyway

Out of the blue she puts her arm out as if to remind me, as if I wasn't planning to stop, but I was planning to stop! I had seen her!

That almost made me angry, I almost felt like saying something, warm weather meant an open window... Basically it just bugs me, is trust in other people that low, let me repeat I was stopped! :mad:

That's my rant for the evening, short and sweet this time, why are people like that? I've had similar things happen before, where I was aware and someone seemed to think that I wasn't aware of a situation...
Maybe try looking at it from another point of view. Few things it could be. One, late at night they may have been drinking and not thinking right. Two, they may have had a friend get hit on a bike and messed up real bad.

Just a thought, but sorry it made you upset. maybe she just wasn’t right in the head and scared.
Maybe try looking at it from another point of view. Few things it could be. One, late at night they may have been drinking and not thinking right. Two, they may have had a friend get hit on a bike and messed up real bad.

Just a thought, but sorry it made you upset. maybe she just wasn’t right in the head and scared.

It just bothers me more than anything, angry is too strong of a word to use... Makes me wonder what society has become if people are thinking like that, I mean the lack of trust...
I think a lot of cyclists bear grudges against drivers (and vice versa). I imagine that a lot of drivers don't stop for cyclists or otherwise respect them, so they are expecting it to happen and that leads them to remind every driver, regardless whether it's necessary or not.

Or perhaps they weren't sure whether you had seen them, and wanted to make sure.
When my husband lived in Portland this was common, to have cyclist against drivers. I haven’t seen it elsewhere but i don’t get out much. It’s too hot where I live now to ride a bike but the few that do use the sidewalks.

I think a lot of cyclists bear grudges against drivers (and vice versa). I imagine that a lot of drivers don't stop for cyclists or otherwise respect them, so they are expecting it to happen and that leads them to remind every driver, regardless whether it's necessary or not.

Or perhaps they weren't sure whether you had seen them, and wanted to make sure.
Truthfully, there are cities l wouldn't bike in because you are just a moving target for cars. I was biking thru a green light in the crosswalk, and l ended up on the guy's car hood. But this was when people were civil, and he replaced my bike. Today, they would wait until l got off the hood, and try to speed away.
150 rider and bike vs 2,000 lbs car....Bike riders aren't mind readers and the odds are not in their favor if they misread your intentions.

Even so the bike rider, right now, is probably in some forum saying "I put my arm out to remind the car to stop, but I was too late. The car was already stopped. I feel like such a jerk."

One time I was driving near my house. It's a quiet old neighborhood with narrow streets so no one ever drives over 20. All at once I see a dog out of the corner of my eye and I guess he is going to run in front of my car so I stopped. Sure enough the dog runs in front if my car with it's owner close behind screaming at me to "slow down!" He yelled "slow down" several times, each time sounding more upset. But as his feet hit the street he realized I wasn't even moving and then he looked embarassed.
I just sat there and waited while he collected his dog. Poor guy.
150 rider and bike vs 2,000 lbs car....Bike riders aren't mind readers and the odds are not in their favor if they misread your intentions.

Even so the bike rider, right now, is probably in some forum saying "I put my arm out to remind the car to stop, but I was too late. The car was already stopped. I feel like such a jerk."

One time I was driving near my house. Uts quiet old neighborhood with narrow streets so no one ever drives over 20. All at once I see a dog out of the corner of my eye and I guess he is going to run in front of my car so I stopped. Sure enough the dog runs in front if my car with it's owner close behind screaming at me to "slow down!" He yelled "slow down" several times, each time sounding more upset. But as his feet hit the street he realized I wasn't even moving and then he looked embarassed.
I just sat there and waited while he collected his dog. Poor guy.

All I'll say is that she had that "look" on her face
As a pedestrian, I often have to remind drivers that they need to give way to me when the orange light is flashing and I have a green man, or at a zebra crossing. An orange flashing light means that cars turning right may go, but only if they are no pedestrians crossing - if a pedestrian is crossing, they must give way. The pedestrian gets a green man indicating that they may cross. But many drivers don't respect that, and try to force their way through in front of the pedestrians. It's really dangerous - small kids are taught from the year dot to wait for the green man or that it's safe to cross at a zebra crossing, but it isn't because so many drivers don't respect the rules.
I think a lot of cyclists bear grudges against drivers (and vice versa).
(Just imagine the conundrum when you are both...! :bluecar:
I had a close call with a cyclist who was wearing all black on a black bike on a charcoal coloured bitumen road - he was nearly invisible. I explained to him he should wear some his vis gear if he wants to avoid being hit. I don't know why it's not compulsory, fluoro helmet would help.
I mean this kindly, so dont feel upset with me, but hey, how can you be on an autism forum and say 'she had that look'? Half of us have no idea what expression we have on our face at any one time. o_O

Also, I definitely signal as a cyclist at night or in daytime. I'm dyspraxic and over cautious, I could get killed just by my own mistakes, never mind motorists, so I kind of don't think, hmm, might I offend someone? Just try to survive!
Ah the wheel, without it the human race would still be pottering around hunting and gathering. No internet, no cars, no industry just peace and quiet. Curse the wheel, never mind who is using one or what they are doing with it. It is the wheel's fault.
I had a close call with a cyclist who was wearing all black on a black bike on a charcoal coloured bitumen road - he was nearly invisible. I explained to him he should wear some his vis gear if he wants to avoid being hit. I don't know why it's not compulsory, fluoro helmet would help.

Ninja cyclist.
You were at a stop sign. You may have stopped at it but did not see her. She may have been making sure that you did. She had no way of knowing if you had seen her or not. Perhaps "the look" was concern or fear that you had not seen her and would plow into her. How would she know? People can't read minds. Let it go.
You were at a stop sign. You may have stopped at it but did not see her. She may have been making sure that you did. She had no way of knowing if you had seen her or not. Perhaps "the look" was concern or fear that you had not seen her and would plow into her. How would she know? People can't read minds. Let it go.

I'm over it really, it also just simply startled me as it came out of the blue, the trust thing still bothers me a little, yet I sense that trust has gone down in general anyway in all sorts of areas...
As a driver of a motor vehicle with four wheels, any driver of a bicycle or a motorcycle can never do enough to drive defensively in comparison.

That's all I would surmise from such an encounter.

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