@Marmonduke Someone once said,
"Before you can love someone else, you have to love yourself." Another once said,
"Happiness does not come from other people, it comes from within. People can either make you more or less happy."
I believe that this is true. People who have not come to terms of acceptance with themselves will never be happy,...nor content,...and that sort of persona is NOT attractive to a potential love interest. People want to be around self confident and capable people,...it comes down to basic biology and partner seeking behaviors,...it's primal. You fix that about yourself, women will be seeking you out,...not the other way around.
You might not like being autistic when it comes to all of this,...I am in the same boat,...some of my psychological scores are 2X worse than the means for autistics. I have alexithymia,...a mind-body disconnect when it comes to emotions. I get it.
I work with a 95% female staff. Not only do I prefer being around women, I rather enjoy it,...most likely because they are SO different than me. Now, here's my take on it,...I may have ZERO idea what they are thinking,...I have almost ZERO emotional expression and depth,...all I do know is that when we put our heads together, we fit together like a puzzle piece,...we complete each other. Whatever deficits each other has,...when we work together, we make ONE good person. It is clearly this way with my wife, as well. It's magic,...and I don't have any other way to describe the phenomenon. But, again,...I am content with who I am and project leadership qualities. People seek me out.
Something to chew on.
EDIT: Furthermore, I think it can be a mistake to seek out partners who are like us. I am a proponent of the "opposites attract" mindset,...and when I say this,...of course, both partners have to be open, accepting people, willing to work with each other. I know this is counterintuitive, but if you want to see conflict and tension,...put two similar people together. Although there can be relationship difficulties between neurotypicals and autistics,...I think this is nearly all a result of communication, ignorance of communication styles, and difficulties with perspective-taking on the part of both. If both partners are on the same page with knowing their own strengths and weaknesses, and then work with each other for the benefit of the team, it can be an amazing thing,...my wife and I.