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I would say I'm generally good


Well-Known Member
I have been thinking a lot recently but overall I think I am a good person. If an opportunity occurred I would help an older person or disabled person or any person I think. I take comfort in that. I like how I have volunteered in both animal and person charities and donated to both
It's one of those things I strive for, as well. It's one of those things that I think about as I get older. The final scene from the movie "Saving Private Ryan" when, as an old man, standing in the cemetery, reading the names of his fallen comrades off the grave stones, his family around him, he looks to his wife in tears, "Tell me I've been a good man." Powerful. Emotional. I tear up every time.

That's all I want to be remembered as.

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I have been thinking a lot recently but overall I think I am a good person. If an opportunity occurred I would help an older person or disabled person or any person I think. I take comfort in that. I like how I have volunteered in both animal and person charities and donated to both
That’s nice

I’m not an animal person as it takes too much time to raise one

That said, helping old as well as disabled is something I will do. I know the struggle all too well

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