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If some NT would tell you words "Wish I was autistic..."

I've worked with a couple of programmers that kept trying to tell everyone that they were autistic. They thought it made them sound smarter. I didn't correct them on that but instead rubbed their noses in the fact that they were being outsmarted by an alcoholic drug addicted highschool dropout with mental problems. :)
I've worked with a couple of programmers that kept trying to tell everyone that they were autistic. They thought it made them sound smarter. I didn't correct them on that but instead rubbed their noses in the fact that they were being outsmarted by an alcoholic drug addicted highschool dropout with mental problems. :)
...that's quite the title! :D
I would ask them how they could arrive at such a decision given that they have no frame of reference to adequately relate to autism in the first place.
I never came accross that in life. But I guess I can imagine it in today's world where identity is such a big thing with many people.

Seeing an opportunity, I might offer to make them autistic with my patented 45 step process, which I would invent as we go. As for price, we're probably looking at 125-140K depending upon how resistant their suborbital Id lies in the oblongatan substrate.

Seeing an opportunity, I might offer to make them autistic with my patented 45 step process, which I would invent as we go. As for price, we're probably looking at 125-140K depending upon how resistant their suborbital Id lies in the oblongatan substrate.
Like a reverse phrenologist? They tell you what personality they want and you give their skull the appropriate lumps and bumps. :)
I remember an interview that Lex Friedman did with Elon Musk recently. "My mind is a storm..."

Do you really want to be me?

I just finished reading Elon Musk's biography. I highly respect this man for what he has been able to accomplish, his work ethic, his drive, his altruistic ambitions for mankind, but the price was high in terms of the people around him, both personally and professionally. To be an Aspie, with all the social and communication difficulties, the "blind spots", the resultant cognitive biases, and then to have a mind that had little patience for people, rules, and regulations, so urgently goal-driven, to have many, many more world changing ideas, but not having the time resources to create them. When one is dealing with the Elon Musk's of the world, one needs to logically compartmentalize the greater good for humanity from an engineering and technological perspective, from that of the emotional triggers of his thoughts shared on social media, humor, and political persona. I can understand why many people are "Elon haters", but many are not understanding the experience of being extremely high functioning in many ways, but also having the social and communication deficits and disconnects that many autistics experience. Add on the financial resources, the media spotlight, the political weaponization of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) against him, the industrial complex spending billions of dollars on media articles everyday to make sure they publicly destroy his reputation, to villainize him, and his products with fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD), as well as intentionally shorting his company stock for their own financial gain. You do realize he is altruistically driven with good intent for humanity? However, if you are seen as an obstacle in his eyes, "the bear has teeth" and he doesn't hesitate. It's an interesting combination of elements to say the least. Think of how many of us deal with rejection and its effects upon our self-esteem, the depression, the emotional toll,...now imagine what Elon is going through with it amplified 1000-fold in a very public way.

I see us living though an incredible period of time. I hope we can appreciate what have and are going to experience over the next 10-20 years.

If I wasn't autistic, my life would be very different. That's all I could say. I don't know what that might look like, but I know I wouldn't be as successful, have my wife, my children, and so on. Sure, I have plenty of things that I wish I didn't have to deal with, but I have to be thankful for what I have. Would I wish MY autism upon someone else? Probably not.
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I would probably laugh, not sure I could take them seriously, I don't know anyone who would say that.

To be imaginative though, they might be a bit naive and I'd take it as a well intended notion, from someone disatisfied with their situation in life.
I have some cool skills. If somebody got all jelly & wanted to be me, I'd point out that, to gain a few random advantages, they'd have to give up most of what they already have, and probably value pretty highly.

Fair trade? I dunno. They'd have to decide for themselves.

I happen to like me, but I doubt there are many people who would want to be like me.
Well, my loathing of autism is only due to my personal circumstances only, so if someone else wished they were autistic then I wouldn't disagree with them too much. I might ask why, out of curiosity, but that'd be it.
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