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If you could ask the person who diagnosed you any questions what would you ask?


I know this might sound oddly specific or stupid but I have my last (of three) session with the two professionals that diagnosed me. It's for them to give me some feedback and for me to ask questions.
The thing is I feel numb and overwhelmed at the same time. I feel like I don't have any questions and at the same time that I have a million of them and I don't wanna lose this appointment because it's my last one and I don't get to see my primary psychiatrist until March :(
What would you ask?
Idk if the professional that diagnosed me as autistic at age 5 is still around working as a pediatrician.. a five year old can’t literate as well as an older teenager
I'd ask him to give me an analytical breakdown of what exactly it was that lead him to the conclusion that I'm on the spectrum.
- My ADOS score, out of curiosity. All my report says about ADOS is that I was well-above the cutoff. All the other tests were reported with graphs, T-Scores, and percentiles.

- Actually, there's no score for my "Reading the Mind in the Eyes" test either except it says I did extremely badly on that measure. Verbally, she told me it was the lowest score she'd ever seen.

- Could I please have a prescription for NC headphones so they'll be covered on my insurance as an assistive device? I can get this note from my GP but would prefer it from the Neuropsych.

- What are you going to do with my 188 page spiral-bound Developmental History between now and the end of time?

- Do you see any evidence that I have Tourette's?
I didn't really have any questions either, @heyitsalice. I was basically confirming what I had expected for years. And I certainly understood Autism well enough as a kid, just because I studied myself and knew how to manage myself.

Yet, I did wonder where all this would lead or how/if life would change. I guess I'm still wondering, but we can only go forward and see. What I have learned is that there really are very few supports out there. And if I tell someone I'm Autistic they either don't know what that means; seem to treat it with polite disbelief; or talk to me like I'm a kid.
I know this might sound oddly specific or stupid but I have my last (of three) session with the two professionals that diagnosed me. It's for them to give me some feedback and for me to ask questions.
The thing is I feel numb and overwhelmed at the same time. I feel like I don't have any questions and at the same time that I have a million of them and I don't wanna lose this appointment because it's my last one and I don't get to see my primary psychiatrist until March :(
What would you ask?
I'd want to ask the doctor...well, I don't know what I'd ask. It took about a month for my results to come through, for which I blame no one--if anything, I'm grateful that it was a thorough investigation.

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