... would you? Why or why not?
If you would, what would you get done? Complete replacement (while maintaining your current knowledge and memories of course)? Some form of upgrade(s) only?
I would at the very least definitely upgrade my ability to learn and memory. I would love to have faster information processing power and lightning fast, permanent, instantly accessible storage of the information consumed. Because I can't learn fast enough to please myself. And my short term memory sucks, which makes it harder to get things in to my long term memory.
If you would, what would you get done? Complete replacement (while maintaining your current knowledge and memories of course)? Some form of upgrade(s) only?
I would at the very least definitely upgrade my ability to learn and memory. I would love to have faster information processing power and lightning fast, permanent, instantly accessible storage of the information consumed. Because I can't learn fast enough to please myself. And my short term memory sucks, which makes it harder to get things in to my long term memory.