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If you have autism and understand how to tell if someone likes your personality please share.

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Well-Known Member
I can never tell when someone likes my personality or are just being polite, can anyone help me please. I've tried so hard to figure it out, I have tried looking it up, asking people (they often lie) or hurt before I realise they have lied. If anyone is aware of anything I would be really grateful if you could share x
I'm no good at it either.
Do they come back to you? Do they try and contact and engage with you without you fishing for it?
Do they stick around, or walk away?
If people make an effort to be with you, then they are worth it. If not, then move on. It does not matter why. They may really like you but just be really selfish. You would not want to spend time with them then. They may not care for you that much, but you really click and they look to hang around. You would probably want to be with them in this case. Remember that friendships, like trust, are built.
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