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If your child has autism, your help is needed.

Hi, everyone. Your help is needed! If you have a child with autism, will you please take a brief survey. My middle school son and 2 of his classmates are creating an awareness program to educate students about Autism Spectrum Disorder and working on an innovative solution to help another classmate who has autism and is hypersensitive to sounds. They are sincere about helping others with autism. Please take a few minutes to go to this link and complete a brief anonymous survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/W3K6W5H. Thank you, in advance, for your help.
My kid is normal and I'm the oddball of the family. =P

But I have pretty vivid memories of how I felt as a kid and I've talked at length with my mom what it was like raising me, I could take it from that perspective if you'd like.
My kid is normal and I'm the oddball of the family. =P

But I have pretty vivid memories of how I felt as a kid and I've talked at length with my mom what it was like raising me, I could take it from that perspective if you'd like.
You are welcome to take the survey. We would be interested in your perspective. Just skip the first question. Thanks so much!

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