I understand and have felt this way too. I don't know what you're medical issues are about but there is a lot we can do to help our health. I have had a few medical issues that I cured and/or helped by going in nature a lot, creating an environment that supports me, taking up drawing and painting, and then giving up sugar and junkfood to some degree ... i eat those on occasion as treats not meals (ha). Getting myself on the floor to stretch and exercise, long walks, indoor gardening...things that help keep me from being too depressed.
Helping others, one way i do this is through writing letters (analog snail mail), getting a letter in the mail is great fun & i love my writer's desk, stationery, candle, music..it's a great experience and people don't mind my looong letters, they instead enjoy them.
I'm 55 and sometimes i feel so many regrets for a life unlived and because of so much struggle, pain and trauma. One thing that helps me is to think about 'what do i want?'.
I am more gentle on myself, less critical and i quieten the catastrophizer in me by trying to keep my mind on the joys that i have and not paying attention to the outer world's negativity or my own sad thoughts.
I feel a kindredness to your words and thoughts here. I've been thinking about how i have this Inner Compass and when i go against it..my own inner knowing, things go poorly for me. It's about finding the path i really love and staying on it as best i can that brings me to actually loving the day, this life and looking forward to the next 25+ years (even if i just have a few years I want to enjoy each day researching and learning about the things i love to learn about...it's time to enjoy this life gosh darn it haha) When i do things against that inner compass, going the complete opposite way, i start to feel very sad and dysregulated. It's difficult for me to explain this subtle feeling when i'm doing things that go against me and the path of things i love about me and life.
It's so great that you shared this, a step toward your path. Oh and look up older people that didn't blossom until later in life, it's pretty amazing (like grandma moses, tony randall started a family very late, frank mccourt wrote angela's ashes at 63, there are so many artists, scientists, writers, entrepreneurs that started late) We are just late bloomers. And we don't have to be famous in order to live a fulfilling loving good life, in fact it probably makes things worse. I think of it as using my aspie super power to focus and learn about something i love so much and no longer thinking about what others think about my passions or about me (a getting older super power is not caring what other's think anymore and that is so very freeing for me).
Sorry to write so much and i hope the message is a positive one, i hope i didn't overlook your feelings or anything. Just felt a kindred spirit and wanted to tell you some things that help me. Life is a bumpy road but we're all in it together.