Nearly everyone in my life is making really, really poor choices. And not only that, they're dragging me in for their little fun and games. I'm the middle aged matriarch, so i'm expected to mop up as they go along on their little escapades.
Terrible things are happening to other people I love.
Oh and I got the snot beat out of me the other day by a cherished person.
All I want is to be happy.
I wish that they would just leave me alone, and let me believe for a day that the world is good!
I'm about to have a nervous breakdown.
Correction: I am absolutely in the middle of a full nervous breakdown, but I have responsibilities to these loved ones, so I don't even have the luxury of losing it. They can go absolutely bonkers, but I don't get to. Not for a moment.
I have to be positive, and push onward and upward. It sucks royally.
Terrible things are happening to other people I love.
Oh and I got the snot beat out of me the other day by a cherished person.
All I want is to be happy.
I wish that they would just leave me alone, and let me believe for a day that the world is good!
I'm about to have a nervous breakdown.
Correction: I am absolutely in the middle of a full nervous breakdown, but I have responsibilities to these loved ones, so I don't even have the luxury of losing it. They can go absolutely bonkers, but I don't get to. Not for a moment.
I have to be positive, and push onward and upward. It sucks royally.