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I'm begging people in the uk with autism to come forward about bad nhs mental health services

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Well-Known Member
If you live in the uk, have been mistreated or left with inadequate or no support from mental health services or anything please come forward so I can try and make things happen I'm on a time scale so any help at all would be great thank you! If you would rather have your story or complaints or issues anonymous please state that in your comment again thank you!
I am guessing you are alluding to a human rights complaint or law suit which from reading another one of your threads would not be a bad idea because of the way they treated you. Just keep in mind that the cause is not worth your entire life, but perhaps some attention. I am from Canada and yes our health care system is not that great (overloaded, understaffed, and underfunded). Only Sweden has government funded health care right apparently.
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