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I'm going to citizens advice bureau


Well-Known Member
I'm going to a citizens advice bureau tomorrow or when one is next open to make an appointment. To see if they can point me in the direction of a solicitor who deals with disability hate crime. Harrasment can come in many forms for example staring to try and provoke, talking about someone offensively, name calling. It obviously should not happen to anyone not just disabled autistic people. Including not by supermarket workers for example whose shop advertise the sunflower hidden disabilities organisation! Everyone who is minding their own business, doing nothing wrong, has the right to live their lives, for example, shop, walk along the street, wait for a bus etc etc!
I'm going to a citizens advice bureau tomorrow or when one is next open to make an appointment. To see if they can point me in the direction of a solicitor who deals with disability hate crime. Harrasment can come in many forms for example staring to try and provoke, talking about someone offensively, name calling. It obviously should not happen to anyone not just disabled autistic people. Including not by supermarket workers for example whose shop advertise the sunflower hidden disabilities organisation! Everyone who is minding their own business, doing nothing wrong, has the right to live their lives, for example, shop, walk along the street, wait for a bus etc etc!

I would have brought it up to the supermarket manager. No emotion, have your facts, and "I have a concern about....". It sucks to be put in that situation, but people have to learn the hard way that they cannot get away with bad behavior. Even though you may be very angry inside you can't let them see it,...because it gives them power over you.

You have to be your advocate sometimes.
I wasn't going to then, but stay a bit longer, I was using a public use pc in a public library. I felt I needed to sit a bit further back (which was a little uncomfortable and unnatural). As one of the staff, stood at the staff counter a few times looked at me and the screen I was sat at. I wasn't relaxed anymore and decided to leave. As I was packing up the same staff member was staring at me. This person isn't a regular person in the sense that a library member of staff is supposed to be polite friendly and helpful to the public.
This proves it's not only me. Two nights ago I was walking along a street with a friend. There are three people approaching us coming the other way. We move slightly to allow them to pass, one of the three deliberately pretending to walk partially into my friend, my friend even commented on this. Occasionally some people try deliberately to do this.

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