This is so very sad. What's wrong?
I regret my whole life, everyone takes advantage of me and if I had a choice I would have never lived it the way I did.
It has been a huge mistake for me.
No matter what happened in my life I have made some really bad choices and wish I had of just rejected everything told to me because my family make not be perfect but at least they let me be myself and say I am beautiful and give me cards.
I am a lonely person it is my life and I do not understand anyone who would say that is normal that seems evil to me and expect you to understand and be a stoic all the time.
But if I had never chosen my life or path, I may still be lonely and sad but I still had plenty of reasons to be proud.
I passed my exams, got into a course, scored some good marks in school without any support or much help from my parents, could get coffees, go shopping, take public transport, went on practice drives and got my licence, drove a car, could touch type, looked after myself in terms of self care, did a really hard job in the centre of the city did ok with it for a while, tried tafe but found it boring, never gave up on goals or dreams or having a good and fulfilling life, was a kind and compassionate person eager to help others, read books and went to vintage cd shops and book shops, went bowling with my family as well as mini golf and sometimes on holiday with wither dad or mum. When i was about 18 I think mum took me and my brother to Queenscliff, Torquay, Warnambool and Apollo Bay.
And because I struggled a bit at times, was unwell and depressed and had childhood trauma
Now I feel like I am literally told I am an incapable vegetable, who's whole life is ruined and will never have my dreams after a life of endo issues people embarrass me about pretending it cannot happen to women or I am faking it and I am not capable of anything and no one knows the amount i have suffered what I have given up, the amount of pain And loneliness I have been.through and this isolates me further because I cannot even go to any social groups or clubs or getaways
And I have to make good decisions when I am very unwell and traumatised and apparently it all in my head.
Have never did anything normal, went to thr beach or even had a holiday in many, many years which feels a lot longer than even the amount of time
Am really unwell, get treated like I am mentally insane and see covid sick people all get the best treatment.
Have to go on Facebook and see thousands of usa people with sick issues that apparently I have to slave after the rest of my life or be their besties when we do not even think alike.
I mean what does it matter when my life is wrecked anyway and everything beautiful taken.