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I'm tired of feeling so alone!...


Active Member
I've been trying really hard for the last few years not to let my AS symptoms bother me.. But it just seems like, the harder I try to suppress my symptoms, the more aggressive and uncontrollable they become...
I don't know how to cope with these feelings and emotions...

..I just need someone to talk to, that will understand me and that can give me the help I need.
Oh, good! You posted. :)

Welcome to AspiesCentral. You'll find you're not alone here. I promise.
I just feel like maybe if I get some advice from other people with these same problems that I've been having, that it might help me even more so than some of the advice I've gotten from the NT people in my life..
I do not know how long you have been diagnosed for.
What I have done is to embrace my aspie traits instead of trying to supress them. However that can take time, to learn what your strengths and weaknesses are. I am now embracing my strengths and working on my weaknesses here on the forum.
I recently posted that I wish I had never been born, because of the pain being an Aspie has caused me. I received quite a few responses and all were comforting and/or helpful. This is a good place to post your thoughts and feelings. Being an Aspie is hard for me, I think especially because I didn't know what was wrong until I was in my early 60s. It is taking me a long time to adjust to the concept that I have a condition that should have been recognized when I was a kid when I might have found changing everything about me a little easier. I think as long as I am angry to be an Aspie I will find life very painful. Welcome and good luck here!
I feel like the reason I hate myself, and that I suppress my feelings/symptoms is because that's what I was always taught to do.. Nobody ever helped me to feel comfortable with being an aspie, and that has caused me to grow ashamed of the fact that I'm not "normal" like everybody else.....
I feel like the reason I hate myself, and that I suppress my feelings/symptoms is because that's what I was always taught to do.. Nobody ever helped me to feel comfortable with being an aspie, and that has caused me to grow ashamed of the fact that I'm not "normal" like everybody else.....

It may or may not be good, but you can't feel guilty and ashamed of something that harms no one and wasn't your choice. Aspies have strengths, too. It's not an easy road, but you're gonna have to go with it. Hope we can help.
I find being an aspie more difficult to cope with than others maybe would, particularly so because I have a very minimal outlook for there to be any positive traits from having Aspergers..At least I don't see any potential in myself for pos. traits, and it has led to several failed attempts to become comfortable with my own self.....
What are the potential positive traits of Aspies, in your mind? Maybe a savant like mastery of a skill, or craft. Thats a common positive. Well, Go pick something up and master it brother. (:

Don't beat yourself for what you aren't, love yourself for what you are. Put your energy into changing the things you can, and excepting the things you cant. If you do that, no man can judge you, and you can sleep sound at night .
I've been spending the last appx. 45 minutes on YouTube about the positive side of Aspergers, and it has made me feel a whole slew of emotions, including embarrassment, regret, anxiety, anger, depression, etc.. But most important of all, I think for the first time in my life, I've become much more willing to be okay with being an Aspie.
..but I'm not all the way ready yet, which (I assume) will take some time..
I hope to post somewhere three documents on aspie skills and how to help with them. I am just sure where yet I have P.M a moderator to find out where,and will let know when I do.
this might be helpful for you to see some of the strengths of aspergers

Benifits of aspegers r.jpg
Same for me I went through a nightmare in my twenties almost to the point of breakdown. I look back on it today and have to admit I would never really want not to be an aspie because to me that would be self-denial. I came to see in time that although being kind of different puts you at a social disadvantage, it also allows you a different approach to life as a whole. The loneliness comes from not connecting with everybody else and I think that used to bother me for many years. I now find if I learn to not focus on it and just be myself, many people will start to accept me more over time.

I recently posted that I wish I had never been born, because of the pain being an Aspie has caused me. I received quite a few responses and all were comforting and/or helpful. This is a good place to post your thoughts and feelings. Being an Aspie is hard for me, I think especially because I didn't know what was wrong until I was in my early 60s. It is taking me a long time to adjust to the concept that I have a condition that should have been recognized when I was a kid when I might have found changing everything about me a little easier. I think as long as I am angry to be an Aspie I will find life very painful. Welcome and good luck here!
I find being an aspie more difficult to cope with than others maybe would, particularly so because I have a very minimal outlook for there to be any positive traits from having Aspergers..At least I don't see any potential in myself for pos. traits, and it has led to several failed attempts to become comfortable with my own self.....

Positives to this? Naah. I just developed a really black sense of humor!
There may be many of us feel this way. Me I kinda gave up on people. I not that very interesting to most people
I feel like the reason I hate myself, and that I suppress my feelings/symptoms is because that's what I was always taught to do.. Nobody ever helped me to feel comfortable with being an aspie, and that has caused me to grow ashamed of the fact that I'm not "normal" like everybody else.....

It's six am and I'm exhausted so forgive my inability to say this any better, but I was raised that way too. Not being accepted for what I can only perceive as faults to be ashamed of hurts a lot. I know that. What's helped me is to do a lot of research on the condition and talk to people on here. Then I can't deny to myself that I very well might have it cause I'm too alike them.

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