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Immunizations Again

I glanced over some of the writer's other material, and (despite what he claims) he is pretty much anti-vaccine and comes across as a conspiracy-mongering crank. Nor is he providing references to back up many of his claims (I'd be curious to know more about that mumps outbreak he mentioned).

I don't actually see any reference to autism in this article, but I would like to remind everyone that the vaccine/autism "controversy" is off-limits. Please read the articles provided in this post - Please do not discuss Vaccine-ASD connection controversy on AC | AspiesCentral.com If this thread goes in that direction it will be closed immediately and action may be taken against offending members.
I wish when I went to get my final MMR booster shot when I was a kid that doctor had gotten off her lazy ass and gave it to me like I was supposed to get it. But, no, she turned it down without any explanation whatsoever and guess who got the mumps a few years later? Oh well, maybe the clinic will fire her someday. She's got many years of complaints on her bad practice and bad attitude.
Scarily, vaccines are the things I trust most in medicine. Considering heroin started out as a cough syrup and the things I've seen Ambien do to an elderly relative with dementia, I hardly trust non-vaccines. And then every time I turn around, there's a new scare commercial on TV about a dangerous drug recall that hurt a bunch of people. The flu shot is pretty much the only thing I resist, because the one time I had the flu it really wouldn't have been all that bad if they'd just let me sleep. Sure, I was weak, but that was largely due to the congestion not letting me keep more than half a meal in my stomach each day (it makes me horribly nauseous) and I was breastfeeding at the time, so my energy was waaaay down. The baby didn't complain though, he got lots of hours to just curl up with momma and nap because momma took advantage of all the sleepy spells too! The congestion and coughing was almost worth it for all that time I got to catch up on my rest.

So far my kid has all his vaccines and his immune system seems just fine. Not that he's really been exposed to much more than a head cold (and he did great during the flu, I don't think he even got the sniffles), so I'm not sure how effective they are on him. I certainly don't think he's been subjected to bad vaccines borne of malpractice like in that article. It does make me uneasy they give him five at once sometimes, that just doesn't seem healthy... It looks to me like it'd just severely weaken his immune system for a time while his body has to fight tooth and nail against all those diseases at once. But I do know if he gets a pediatrician that tries to pull that same little stunt on him as how I was treated as a kid, I am not going to be very nice.

I hope I don't hate myself for this later:
The third whistleblower -- a senior CDC scientist named William Thompson -- only indirectly blew the whistle on Merck. He more blew it on himself and colleagues at the CDC who participated in a 2004 study involving the MMR vaccine. Here, the allegations involve a cover-up of data pointing to high rates of autism in African-American boys after they were vaccinated with MMR. In what could be high-profile House hearings before Congressman Posey's Science Committee -- hearings made all the more explosive given the introduction of race into the mix -- Merck could find itself under unprecedented scrutiny. The CDC still stands by its study although Frank DeStefano, the CDC's Director of Immunization Safety and a co-author in the CDC study, also stated that he plans to review his notes with an eye to reanalyzing the data.
It does make me uneasy they give him five at once sometimes, that just doesn't seem healthy... It looks to me like it'd just severely weaken his immune system for a time while his body has to fight tooth and nail against all those diseases at once.

Actually, the combination vaccines can sometimes be LESS stressful on the immune system, depending on the number of proteins found in the viruses. I would pull up my reference (I read it in a book by a prominent vaccine researcher) but I'm not home at the moment...
Actually, the combination vaccines can sometimes be LESS stressful on the immune system, depending on the number of proteins found in the viruses. I would pull up my reference (I read it in a book by a prominent vaccine researcher) but I'm not home at the moment...
That makes me feel better then. I can't even get THAT much out of the shot-giver. They just kind of repeat themselves and avoid eye contact. "It's just good... It's just good..." Makes me wonder if that's how normal people feel when dealing with me when I'm distracted or stressed.

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