This is what turns me on...
For me its intelligent people, who are young inside
People with a passion, a desire that goes far past "normal"
People who see past religions, money, and power, to something far greater
Days when I wake up not foggy, not confused, not angry, just happy
Days when I'm not upset and the words and my thoughts line up and I smile
Long quiet times where its just me, being me
Fast cars, a really fast car, on long open empty road, but I have to drive
Water, mountains, nature, and a cabin in the woods
The smell of water hitting fresh cut grass, or rain hitting the ground on a hot day
The feeling when I am kayaking and its a little out of control, but its nothing that will kill me
When I remember to appreciate LiFe and be grateful for the opportunity to experience it
Those rare moments when clarity shows up just to let me KNOW everything is ok
The biggest thing that turns me on... Is to refuse to give all the negative stuff in me, the ability to crush me over and over again.
I made a promise to myself when I was very young, no human will put out the spark inside me, not then, not now, not ever.
I came here to lift people up, never to tear them down. It seems in order to do that you have to be ripped to shreds, so you will never do that to someone else.
ASD isnt always some curse... Sometimes its a gift that some people despise.
I am sometimes embarrassed by the stigma of ASD, but never ashamed that I was born this way.
Have a great aspie day and find something good to focus on, it food for our souls and they get hungry too.
For me its intelligent people, who are young inside
People with a passion, a desire that goes far past "normal"
People who see past religions, money, and power, to something far greater
Days when I wake up not foggy, not confused, not angry, just happy
Days when I'm not upset and the words and my thoughts line up and I smile
Long quiet times where its just me, being me
Fast cars, a really fast car, on long open empty road, but I have to drive
Water, mountains, nature, and a cabin in the woods
The smell of water hitting fresh cut grass, or rain hitting the ground on a hot day
The feeling when I am kayaking and its a little out of control, but its nothing that will kill me
When I remember to appreciate LiFe and be grateful for the opportunity to experience it
Those rare moments when clarity shows up just to let me KNOW everything is ok
The biggest thing that turns me on... Is to refuse to give all the negative stuff in me, the ability to crush me over and over again.
I made a promise to myself when I was very young, no human will put out the spark inside me, not then, not now, not ever.
I came here to lift people up, never to tear them down. It seems in order to do that you have to be ripped to shreds, so you will never do that to someone else.
ASD isnt always some curse... Sometimes its a gift that some people despise.
I am sometimes embarrassed by the stigma of ASD, but never ashamed that I was born this way.
Have a great aspie day and find something good to focus on, it food for our souls and they get hungry too.