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In need of a community to get through the winter!


I'm living my whole life at once.
I'm driving myself crazy staying in my head and could really use some meaningful human interaction with sympathetic individuals to get me through these heavy times.

I was diagnosed with Asperger's some years ago and it put a lot of things into context for me; depression, social anxiety, feelings of being an outsider - suddenly they all made sense.
I live in The Midwest after having lived in various regions of the US.

I love writing and traveling! I'm currently working on my second novel. I'm also interested in songwriting! I've been developing my skills as a songwriter since I was a teenager, I'm in my mid-30s now.
It will be nice to make some connections and have some intriguing conversations!
Welcome to the forums. It's great you have reached out. Look forward to hearing your journey should you wish to share
Hello and welcome. I have certainly gotten the things that you seem to be looking for. There’s lots of musical stuff going on here, among other things. You may be interested in these two threads:

Thread 'Post music you've made!'
Post music you've made!

Thread 'That Sound Design Thread!'
That Sound Design Thread!
Thanks for replying! I love sharing my creative work, so I'm glad to know I can do that here :)
I'm driving myself crazy staying in my head and could really use some meaningful human interaction with sympathetic individuals to get me through these heavy times.

I was diagnosed with Asperger's some years ago and it put a lot of things into context for me; depression, social anxiety, feelings of being an outsider - suddenly they all made sense.
I live in The Midwest after having lived in various regions of the US.

I love writing and traveling! I'm currently working on my second novel. I'm also interested in songwriting! I've been developing my skills as a songwriter since I was a teenager, I'm in my mid-30s now.
It will be nice to make some connections and have some intriguing conversations!

Welcome! I'm a little bit obsessed with music, even though I can't write a traditional tune to save my life (but I envy those who do!) Do you play any instruments?
Welcome! :)
Music is one of my special interests too... and I also love being creative in pretty much all aspects.
Hope you enjoy it here, and feel free to share the stuff you create! We have lots of threads for that :)

I'm a bit too self-conscious to post my music at the moment, even though I am a musician, but I do lurk in the music production threads a lot!

What genres of music are you interested in? (I like almost all of them with a few exceptions!)
Welcome! You've come to the right place for interesting conversations.

May I ask what you're writing? I write SF and FAN, although everything I've written is in some state of progress. The latest is an SF/thriller. This is the first time I've approached that genre combination.

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