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In the Zone


Well-Known Member
I know that many of us become so distracted with what we're doing or thinking, that we become oblivious to the outside world. Ive done some really stupid and embarrassing things, while Im in the zone, and thought it would be a bit of a laugh, if we shared a few of them, with each other. I mean if we cant laugh at ourselves right?
So here's my most embarressing, in the zone, incident.
When we sold our house a few years back, we only moved about 5km further away from it. About 2 weeks after the move, while in the zone, I pulled into my old driveway, got out the car, put my keys in the front door, but the door wouldnt open. When it finally did, there was a woman standing in the doorway of my house, screaming at me. No time to explain, with her dog in hot pursuit, though. Phew, now Ive got that off my chest, lets never speak of it again. Still gives me shivers
Gosh, how awful! At least you can have a laugh about it now.

I think for me the most embarrassing thing has to be "zoning out" when I'm talking to someone at work (before I graduated, it happened at school).

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