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Inability to 'sleep in'


New Member
Ive always wondered why I cant sleep in like my wife does. I generally wake up around 0430a-0500a.

Even on days where I used to drink a lot and get wasted I couldnt sleep in.

When I wake up even for a moment my mind is going and If Ive had at least 4 hours of sleep then I cant fall back asleep.... Its like hopping on a treadmill thats already moving. My mind starts trying to process problems Ive had for years or I remember something completely embarrassing I did as a child and I relive it.

Its always random but the same. Its torture for me to lay in bed if I cant fall back asleep. I feel guilty, like I should be doing something. Or something is missing and laying there makes it worse..

My mind just never stops going. Even when at rest its running in the background.
Advice from my grandmother: If you wake up in the middle of the night, don't just lie there, read something.

This works for her. I don't know if it would work for me, because my executive dysfunction never allows me to remember to do it. :rolleyes:
Sleep disturbances are quite common in autistics. Do a PubMed and/or Google Scholar search on "autism and sleep", "autism and melatonin". There are several YouTube videos on the topic, as well.
Things that work for me:
  • Use a background noise generator. I have an app on my phone for that.
  • I use a weighted blanket to improve my sleep in general.
  • Get more exercise during the day.
  • I use a "counting sheep" type of mental distraction. The idea is something that keeps your mind from going to disturbing places by thinking about something benign.
Here is what I’ve learned over the past 5 years about my sleep issues. I also got tired of not being able to sleep properly.

• Chronic dehydration will wreck your sleep, along with mess up the brain and other physical processes.
• Waking too early can happen to me if I don’t get my workout in the previous day.
• and if I skip taking melatonin. I take a small amount of melatonin - about half of the smallest dose I can find, so 2&1/2 mg. Always turn the lights off & get off your electronics after about 10 pm.
• Additionally, if I indulge in refined carbohydrates after supper, it messes up my sleep.
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Same! I feel like a degenerate if I sleep past 6! hahaha.
I choose to be up at odd hours. I need absolute alone time to be myself without comments, censure or weird looks from others. I used to get up at 5 to get a couple of hours alone. But when I met my now husband he started getting up early too so that we could be together. Ha!

So now I get up in the middle of the night. But I am retired and can nap if I want to.
It is still a weird thing to do because my husband is 100% supportive. I can be myself around him but I still want to be alone every day.
I can't sleep past sunrise because the sun wakes me up and keeps me from going back to sleep. I didn't sleep much all summer due to it.

I also have some issues with not being able to calm my mind at night, though I don't think that prevents me from sleeping unless it causes me to have a nightmare or something. It used to make it hard to sleep when I was a kid, but I got used to it eventually.
Thanks for all the suggestions... I will admit working at the Fire Dept screwed up my sleep schedule and I never really got it back...

Ive tried taking melatonin and developed heart palpitations...due to my cardiac history I had to discontinue...

I think one of my biggest issues for not working out or exercising is Im just lonely. Im tired of doing everything alone...though I prefer to be alone, I just feel the loneliness and am torn.

I tried riding my bike from the house to the beach but every time I saw a rescue truck and I know the people working and so I avoid...

Since being forced to retire early Ive not been forced to be around people and have become stuck in a cycle of waking up, reaserching, looking at plants, researching, doing chores, researching, go to bed.

I have an extremely difficult time working out or exercising if I dont have a goal or end game. My motivation will be non-existent. Ive never found exercising something that my mind finds agreeable...my exercise needs to be attached to an activity like kayaking, bike riding, etc.

These things I used to do with my brother when he lived close but he got married and moved away last year. He was really my only friend. Being lonely has really cause me the greatest problems because I like people in small doses but dont know how to be around them.
My favorite time was the very early morning, especially in the summer, usually by 5 am, so on weekends I used to take rides on my motorcycle, and on the way back stop at a bakery for some pastries to take home just about the time when my spouse was waking up and have breakfast in bed with her after making some coffee. And who knew that having treats for breakfast in bed could be a means of seduction?

But sometimes I wake up earlier if I have a particularly emotional or disturbing dream. Last night I was awake at three after a dream of beating a person to death who, when I was a teen, constantly reminded me of how worthless and broken I was. That really disturbed me.
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Ive always wondered why I cant sleep in like my wife does. I generally wake up around 0430a-0500a.

Even on days where I used to drink a lot and get wasted I couldnt sleep in.

When I wake up even for a moment my mind is going and If Ive had at least 4 hours of sleep then I cant fall back asleep.... Its like hopping on a treadmill thats already moving. My mind starts trying to process problems Ive had for years or I remember something completely embarrassing I did as a child and I relive it.

Its always random but the same. Its torture for me to lay in bed if I cant fall back asleep. I feel guilty, like I should be doing something. Or something is missing and laying there makes it worse..

My mind just never stops going. Even when at rest its running in the background.
If you aren't feeling fatigued or unwell throughout the day, this may just be your "sweet spot" for sleep. Not one person requires the same amount of sleep.

I am typically also an "early bird" and love to get up early to take advantage of the quiet. Unfortunately, I have some sleep disturbances/health issues that are interfering with this preference. :/
Advice from my grandmother: If you wake up in the middle of the night, don't just lie there, read something.

This works for her. I don't know if it would work for me, because my executive dysfunction never allows me to remember to do it. :rolleyes:

Sorry it doesn’t work for you. It used to not work for me until recently. It’s not for everyone but taking Adderall has helped my executive function during the day and it’s after effect helps me read at night. Don’t take it at night, though! I also take Trazodone and it helps me sleep even in hotel beds. It’s a human tranquilizer! ;)
Ive always wondered why I cant sleep in like my wife does. I generally wake up around 0430a-0500a.

Even on days where I used to drink a lot and get wasted I couldnt sleep in.

When I wake up even for a moment my mind is going and If Ive had at least 4 hours of sleep then I cant fall back asleep.... Its like hopping on a treadmill thats already moving. My mind starts trying to process problems Ive had for years or I remember something completely embarrassing I did as a child and I relive it.

Its always random but the same. Its torture for me to lay in bed if I cant fall back asleep. I feel guilty, like I should be doing something. Or something is missing and laying there makes it worse..

My mind just never stops going. Even when at rest its running in the background.

I know this one all to well. Never been able to sleep in, unless i am very sick, very depressed, or sleeping pills. then my body just shuts down and packs it in, and i figure, i must need it. But besides those things, getting wasted, i will wake up early. and then get up, and start the day. i used to have to drink just to get to sleep. or i would lay there awake and my brain would not shut off. I too, remember the past when i am 'laying there'. and it will not go away.

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