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Inconvenience makes me stressed


Well-Known Member
I have trouble accepting inconvenience sometimes. I get stressed every time I encounter such instances even when I am the cause (e.g. running out of skips on Pandora for the rest of the day).
Perhaps it would do good to understand that the inconveniences that you cause yourself can be prevented by dealing with them more responsible?

I understand your issue very well, though at some point I have to accept the world does not revolve around me and is there for my convenience and thus I learn to work around it.
Yes, I do eventually learn to cope with or understand such inconveniences and sometimes even adapt. A couple years ago or so some minor inconveniences arose with Comcast (nothing to yell at them for) which upset me for awhile until I learned how to deal with it. I'm starting to adapt with Pandora. I have the paid account, so I have the mini player which has a less harsh skip limit. Also, I can mute one player while fiddling with another so I can actually listen to the music while improving my stations. Also, when I get really upset, I can do other things while listening to classical or jazz. It seems I forget about such things sometimes.
I have trouble accepting inconvenience sometimes. I get stressed every time I encounter such instances even when I am the cause (e.g. running out of skips on Pandora for the rest of the day).
I hate those too, so many times they interrupt with my very well planned day. Mostly originating from idiotic behavior of others.
I hate those too, so many times they interrupt with my very well planned day. Mostly originating from idiotic behavior of others.

Yes this is what sometimes gets to me, when it is caused by the stupidity of others. But other times it gives me something to laugh about (in private of course).

Other than that, most inconveniences don't really bother me so much, most people say I have more patience than most people they know. I tend to think the world is going too fast anyway, so if I can get a little slowdown or break then it helps. Also I am always so afraid of being seen as a jerk, so getting openly bent out of shape over something would contribute to that. So in public I just stay back and accept the world as it is. In private I can have my own world the way I like it.

And I don't want to be the one to inconvenience others either. So for example at a food joint, if my daughter and I don't know what we want yet, we stay away from the counter until we do, and not hold up the others who want to get done quickly.
I've had trouble with delayed gratification over my entire life. I guess it comes with being spoiled as a child (weren't we all :p ). I've discovered that it's a good idea to schedule when you'll get certain things.
Up here it's Charter but all the same BS. One of the reasons I stick with my 10 ft c-band dish and antenna for the locals, landline phone and dialup internet. Then despite all the problems I'd heard, I tried to get Charter once and they came out then refused to install it. I guess they were doing me a favor.

Wouldn't say I was spoiled. I mean we had clothes and food but we didn't have much money and learned to get by with very little. Stuff was always broken and we had to fix it or have nothing, or build stuff from scratch. We learned the value of a dollar. Very similar to how I have to live today and am teaching my daughter how it is.

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