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Inspirational parents praised for bringing hope to families living with autism


Well-Known Member
(Not written by me)


Bill Davis with his son Chris (Picture: Andrew Solomon)

An inspirational dad is getting the recognition he deserves for not giving up on his son, even when others said Chris would need to go into an institution.

Chris, now 22, was born with physical disabilities as well as neurological damage and severe autism, and found it hard to interact with the world outside.

In a video by Andrew Solomon, his father Bill Davis explains: ‘Chris didn’t communicate, he wouldn’t put on clothes, he wouldn’t go outside. He ate the walls, he ate the table, he ate the rug.

‘We couldn’t eat in the room or have lights on or the TV on. If I coughed he would run downstairs and punch me. It was a 24 hour day job.

‘Chris never ate, never spoke, wore diapers. I was pretty much told to put him in an institution.’

But instead of giving up, he and Chris’s mum decided to set up their own school to give Chris the care he needed.

‘It was obviously depressing,’ Bill said. ‘So we went on this battle. His mum went and studied everything she could get her hands on. She visited hospitals and schools and she set up a school in our home.’


‘I thought, ‘If he’s happy, if he stops hurting himself, if I could hug him… That would be the greatest gift in life.’

‘We continued against all odds and he got better.

‘It changed my life completely, put me in another direction. I was able to love unconditionally.’

Chris is now happy to hug his parents and talk to them about the places he has been, and doesn’t try to hurt himself in the same way he did before.

The video is a few years old but was reposted on Facebook this week, thousands of people commenting to say how inspirational it was.

And if you’re wondering what Chris is up to now?

He’s doing well! Here he is at college, also learning to play the piano.


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