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interesting observation


Well-Known Member
I just got a video camera and I was taping myself talking to it to test the audio. Looking into the camera lens feels exactly like looking someone in the eyes. I had no idea how much I was supposed to look.

Good thing I didn't want to be an actor. XD
Using a camera is fine, but i cant stand looking into the lens. Used to have a notebook with this integrated web cam and found it so disturbing that i had to cover the lens with tape... :S

Hmm. At least there's only one eye? :lol:

I have difficulty with it too. I don't find it so much disturbing, I just don't know how much to look at the camera if I'm filming myself doing whatever.
Yeah, like for me, eye contact doesn't bother me, I just have NO IDEA how much I am supposed to look. I used to think "okay, I am talking to this person, I am looking at this person" but then I kept getting yelled at to stop staring. There is a complicated dance that people do because they seem to have an innate sense of how long is okay to look at someone, but I don't. Apparently that translates to filming, too.
I just don't look at the camera when I'm making YT videos, or if I do it's just the occasional glance xD.
I have the same problem. In fact, in some of my YT videos it looks like i'm exercising my eyes as they're looking all over the place. It's like "and a left, right, up, down, move it all around".
I feel nervous with eye contact because I'm nervous that they can read me from my body language, and I don't know how much they can read me because I struggle with reading other peoples body language
That makes a lot of sense. I do feel really exposed when I look someone I don't know very well (or don't like) in the eyes, but it doesn't really affect me besides feeling a bit weird. I guess it's a nice contrast to being invisible like I normally am.
Same, I absolutely hate having to look people in the eye and when I do I just feel like they can read my mind.
A customer at Curry's actually forced me to look her in the eye and the urge to slap her... >_>. LOL.
Some people get offended/think you are dishonest or whatever if you don't look them in the eyes. Up to them if they want to be so superficial.

With webcams I don't even think about the webcam, I look at the screen. Talking to women and not making eye contact can be misinterpreted, you need to be careful if you are a guy.
You work at Curry's? Why did she force you to look at her?
What numbers said.
And for two weeks for work exp.
She was very rude in general. IDK why she thought for a minute she was in any position to be offended by someone else's lack of manners.
I tend to look at the screen rather than the lens. I don't know how long to look at the lens or anything or if I'm staring or yeah or whatever :/
I used to be unable to look into the mirror, at the reflection of myself---unless it was quite blurred (by a lot of lighting). Looking into another person's eyes... felt like having abysmal flares in my heart. It was too electric, like I would just slip through my narrow veins, with all my blood. It felt like being unmade.

Being more indirect, the camera was often all right, as long as I didn't have to look at the captured image.

Now it all remains pretty much the same, still. It is what it is: faintness. Though it often feels dark without punctuality, it is not contemptible at all.
With me it's more of forgetting to look into the lens so I'll do a few looks to camera so no one complains at me in the comments. A lot of the time I'm showing stuff so I look at the monitor to see if everything is in shot.
if no ones behinde a camera, I don´t have a lot of problems.... well normaly I´m looking at the screen, so it looks like I´m looking in the lens...

But if anyones trying to take a photo of me i normaly look away... or I have to force myself very hard to look at it.... A friend of mine once complained it would be impossible to take a photo of me, where I don´t have my eyes closed

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