My name is Judy and I’m the (complicated) partner of a person undiagnosed with Aspergers.
We met at work and I knew straight away that he had Aspergers. Within an hour. After getting to know each other he admitted he’d been diagnosised with ADD but the physiologist who dx’ed him said it was impossible for him to have autism and she knew straight away as soon as he walked into the room that he wasn’t autistic. You know the usual crap ‘if you arent banging your head and making weird noises you must be neurotypical’, (sorry previous to my job of the past 3 years I assisted people with autism for 25 years and had to deal with young ‘professionals’ who couldn’t make a move without it coming from a text book lol). I am dx with bipolar with aspie like tendencies (several professionals who were unable to decide which but officially bipolar)
Joined because I’m stuck. With all my years assisting people with low functioning autism I have no idea how to help my relationship with this wonderful man move forward. This is out of my league. I don’t want to lose him without first trying to understand better.
My name is Judy and I’m the (complicated) partner of a person undiagnosed with Aspergers.
We met at work and I knew straight away that he had Aspergers. Within an hour. After getting to know each other he admitted he’d been diagnosised with ADD but the physiologist who dx’ed him said it was impossible for him to have autism and she knew straight away as soon as he walked into the room that he wasn’t autistic. You know the usual crap ‘if you arent banging your head and making weird noises you must be neurotypical’, (sorry previous to my job of the past 3 years I assisted people with autism for 25 years and had to deal with young ‘professionals’ who couldn’t make a move without it coming from a text book lol). I am dx with bipolar with aspie like tendencies (several professionals who were unable to decide which but officially bipolar)
Joined because I’m stuck. With all my years assisting people with low functioning autism I have no idea how to help my relationship with this wonderful man move forward. This is out of my league. I don’t want to lose him without first trying to understand better.