Active Member
Glad to join, and grateful in case anyone reads this. I am completely new to autism spectrum disorders' topics as I am self 'diagnosed' (Aspergers). I have had a great amount of problems and stress related to physical and mental health, which recently elevated greatly. I was diagnosed with OCD and social anxiety, but, on top of that, a total inability to concentrate came along (I have an appointment to test for ADD). I was (and still am) so depressed and anxious about that that I consider(ed) to quit my career because it simply became unbearable to lead my everyday life.
My biggest issues are, again, lack of concentration, and painful difficulties in social encounters. Looking at my life, I have always had those, but now they somehow sharpened unbearably. Reading about Asperger's, I absolutely see myself, everything just makes so much sense, and it would be such a great relieve to be properly diagnosed.
Glad to join, and grateful in case anyone reads this. I am completely new to autism spectrum disorders' topics as I am self 'diagnosed' (Aspergers). I have had a great amount of problems and stress related to physical and mental health, which recently elevated greatly. I was diagnosed with OCD and social anxiety, but, on top of that, a total inability to concentrate came along (I have an appointment to test for ADD). I was (and still am) so depressed and anxious about that that I consider(ed) to quit my career because it simply became unbearable to lead my everyday life.
My biggest issues are, again, lack of concentration, and painful difficulties in social encounters. Looking at my life, I have always had those, but now they somehow sharpened unbearably. Reading about Asperger's, I absolutely see myself, everything just makes so much sense, and it would be such a great relieve to be properly diagnosed.