Hello. New here. Supposed to introduce myself I suppose. 28 year old male. Finally started seeing a therapist a year and a half ago for what I thought were a host of random problems I could never sort out that nearly all turned out to be attributed to asperger's, which was diagnosed 6 months after beginning therapy. Three years ago I moved across the country and I recently moved back to where I came from and I brought my girlfriend with me. She's NT but knows about, accepts and even encourages the fact that I'm aspie. She's constantly telling me that being aspie isn't a disorder or an illness. We're struggling to rebuild our lives after the move while also learning how to cohabitate with an aspie/NT, respectively. It's tough but fun. I've also got a new job in an office meeting all kinds of new people and trying to figure out how to deal with all the new triggers I never knew I had.