I find it a little confusing trying to figure out which I am. I have several traits common to introverts such as liking to read, over analyzing, and needing some alone time. However, descriptions of introverts often stress that the difference between introverts and extroverts is whether you are drained by socialization (introvert) or gain energy by it (extrovert). Unless being intimidated or something, I tend to gain energy from talking to others unless I am already feeling bad or something and often feel like I am going stir crazy because I can't get out and go do something (meaning hike at a park preferably with someone who is just as excited about looking for new plants, animals, ect., learning something like how to fly a plane or ride a camel or something interesting, taking some interesting science class and being able to infodump about what I learn with someone that is just as curious and eager to learn, ect.) I spend too much time daydreaming conversations with fictional people because I need to talk with people and learn new skills ( not just book knowledge) and have exciting activities to do and not have so much sit at home time.