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Intruder Alert- shut-up!


Serenity waves, beachy vibes
V.I.P Member
Does anybody react to horrible voices. I just wanted to watch a YouTube on generators and what's the best to buy, and l couldn't stomach the guy's voice. It was a hard tone with too much wordiness which lent me to wonder if he talks to hear himself talk.

Sometimes l listen to someone go on and on, and l think where are my headphones?
How do NT couples put up with this? I like silence. My home has the sounds l generate like AC and fans. Does this get worse with age? Is it connected to autism?
Yes, I agree that one can be upset by certain vocal tones and/or phrasing.

To put things more broadly, I think it can be anything that offends our sense of order that can be triggering.

To use one example, hearing someone say "vicea versa" (instead of "vice versa") sets me off.
Yes, I tend to avoid some channels in Youtube because I'm unable to hear some voices. I guess in my case it's related to the Sensory Processing Disorder and the misophobia. I have no idea how NT can handle it either. I love silence so I want to throw myself through the window when my cats meow, lick themselves or my family members talk for hours. I sincerely want to disappear from earth.

Edit:: in my case, it got worse when I started growing up. I was all fine when being a kid (except loud noises), but really really bursted after puberty started.
I know it´s subjective but some people just have awkward voices or laughing. terrible for me to hear. and some people tend to speak loud in general or to laugh loud. I could never have closer contact with such people.

I stopped watching a youtube channel with let´s players, because they sometimes scream out of nowhere into their microphones and it was too loud for me.

and some people tend to get loud when they are drunk.

there were some people who had really cool or beautiful voices or laughing, but there was once one woman who had a voice I would call "erotical", hard to describe, but I think the word fits. very feminine.
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One of the supposed experts on a British TV show my parents like has a really squeaky voice that I find annoying. There's just something about the pitch which triggers me.
Have Duolingo on my mobile and enjoy doing learning foreign languages everyday however the Español speaker, one only of the few they use, has an annoying female voice so l turn her down. The French speakers are quite pleasant to listen too. Perhaps my sensory issue is pitch, tone, cadence of voices in general.
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I hate watching you tube anything with a passion. If I need to learn some technical thing, ill search for a written description for an hour before ill watch a 5 minute video.
Yes I like silence. Or sounds I can control the volume of. I sometimes watch TV just with the subtitles. That's also to be courteous to neighbours especially if it's late on.

But I do accept others differ, and try to distract myself or move myself away from other's noise, rather than object or blame them. They're just different.

It was funny recently when my partner, who does lots to improve the house and make it nice to live in, listening to the radio and using power tools all day if necessary, :eek: objected to decorators chatting as they painted next door o_O. How I chortled. But life is full of compromises.
I use subtitles on YouTube as most voices annoy me. I seldom watch TV but also use subtitles and no sound when I do.
I have the most unbearable voice in existence and that’s why I don’t post videos on here where I’m talking, and part of why I have a phone phobia :confused:
I am often told “I hate your voice” and “I hate your laugh” :oops:
When people go on and on, l think get me out of here. I am not mute, l just wish there were mute buttons on people l could push to shut them off. I don't have the need to listen to complete strangers.

Don't misunderstand, l can mask social and am very hireable in public relations, but it's simply a job and not who l really am. Most of my life, l have been this way. Some lady came bustling over to meet me where l live. She must have decided we were going to be the best of friends, and l had to create a social distance because l feel little need to meet strange people. Laws of the jungle are fully etched in my head as l live so many years as a single independent female.

Being on the spectrum, holding on to jobs, you learn to mask. But also being aware that people are predators, some of us are prey due to our looks, our perceived likeability, our gender, you learn to isolate for your personal safety early on in life.
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Does anybody react to horrible voices. I just wanted to watch a YouTube on generators and what's the best to buy, and l couldn't stomach the guy's voice. It was a hard tone with too much wordiness which lent me to wonder if he talks to hear himself talk.

Sometimes l listen to someone go on and on, and l think where are my headphones?
How do NT couples put up with this? I like silence. My home has the sounds l generate like AC and fans. Does this get worse with age? Is it connected to autism?

Does it get worse with age? Well I am 76 and I get lots of silence, but I can not hear worth a hoot (that is what my wife says). I do not think that it is connected to autism, I think that it is connected to being old.
Does it get worse with age? Well I am 76 and I get lots of silence, but I can not hear worth a hoot (that is what my wife says). I do not think that it is connected to autism, I think that it is connected to being old.

Thank you for your response.
I am just quick to notice voices l truly don't like. I tested my hearing, l guess l can hear perfect pitches.

Yes. Aging is horrible. Lol
For me it does get worse with age. It’s getting problematic for me because I want written instructions for things, but it’s getting increasingly hard to find information that isn’t in some annoying YouTube video with music and voiceover. If I can’t find written information I will often just drop looking for information because of how problematic instruction videos are for me.

I don’t object to hearing people speak in general, but some voices are just grating for me.
Yes. Also, YES. Some voices just grate on me.

I'm not on Tik Tok (videos get shared to other platforms), but the computer-generated voice they use to narrate Tik Tok videos is enough to keep me away forever.
One of my managers had the cigarette voice, kind of a gravel type voice that was low and it just was just hard to get out of my head. I can still hear it now. Plus she would talk super loud after time, maybe she was smoking rope or drinking so then it would be amplified. Glad l don't listen to that anymore. She insert her annoying laugh after all her putrid gossip.

Writing this post help me face the fact that voices can be a sensory trigger and l am not alone. I do hate random weird music on YouTube videos.
Does anybody react to horrible voices. I just wanted to watch a YouTube on generators and what's the best to buy, and l couldn't stomach the guy's voice. It was a hard tone with too much wordiness which lent me to wonder if he talks to hear himself talk.

Sometimes l listen to someone go on and on, and l think where are my headphones?
How do NT couples put up with this? I like silence. My home has the sounds l generate like AC and fans. Does this get worse with age? Is it connected to autism?
If I don't like the sound of someone's voice on YouTube, I will close the video immediately. It irritates me just as much as when someone eats next to me. Makes me cringe and angry. I can't have the cats eat in the same room as me. If I am talking to someone and I do not like their voice, I will walk off.

YouTube has turned into vast wasteland of idiots that are in love with their own image and voice. I will admit there are some jems amongst the oceans of S$^T...though few and far between.
Wonder why we are so sensitive to this? I will listen but l dislike people whose voice l can't handle. Lol

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