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Intrusive thoughts in the form of a phrase.


Concept machine
For some reason, the phrase "easy on the eyes" popped into my head when I saw fan art of Doc Ock. Which made me go "the fudge?" It happened again today while watching a video. This is most certainly an extension of the thing I was dealing with; I thought it went away then it came back. Now I'm fixating on it which is making it worse.
What are your experiences with this scenario?
I'll sometimes have singular phrases or logic loops that I can't help but repeat in my head and they sort of interrupt the thought flow as I'm trying to think while also repeating it. I will say they don't often get prompted by any direct events but are like circular thinking that occurs when I'm already pretty active up there.
Thought-byproduct for an overwhelmed mind I reckon. The most efficient ways to move on in my experience is to find reassurance even if only temporary or to remove yourself from the current context. I'll often ask people I know questions that I technically know the answer to just to hear others say it to shut some part of myself up. Or I'll drop what it is I'm doing and where I'm doing it and go elsewhere to find new context that can probably move me away mentally in due time.
* I didn't mean try not to fixate as in , just do it, it's obviously difficult, otherwise you wouldn't be asking. I meant that the method I described is a way to try not to, noticing thoughts instead of engaging with them. I'm sorry, I didn't get enough sleep today and feel groggy.
I've found journaling was very effective against my intrusive thoughts. For me, in my experience, it's as if by writing and describing in detail what passes through my mind it becomes less fixated in the issue. It did take me a long time to get rid of a major and disturbing thought, but it noticeable worked. It's just a suggestion that might or not work. Everybody is different.
For some reason, the phrase "easy on the eyes" popped into my head when I saw fan art of Doc Ock. Which made me go "the fudge?" It happened again today while watching a video. This is most certainly an extension of the thing I was dealing with; I thought it went away then it came back. Now I'm fixating on it which is making it worse.
What are your experiences with this scenario?
I have a major problem with intrusive thoughts.
Caffeine makes this much worse.
I have a form of internal echolalia. It's not intrusive thoughts because they're not thoughts, they're sounds. So when I wake up I'll have a song in my head. Only a few lines or a riff, but they will repeat for as long as they want. At some point during the morning a new song will take over. Sometimes two at once and so it continues. And before anyone says "oh yeah, I've had that before", it's 24/7, there is always a song in my head with a few lines on repeat. Not dominating thoughts, just like music in a hotel lobby, in the background until you notice it or accidentally start humming.

I'll also get certain phrases just repeating, though that's a lot less common. Finally if someone says something or makes a noise that's odd, that's will repeat. Example: a local radio station has an ad about an Evanescence documentary they have, during which the lead singer says "stop" with so much vocal fry she sounds like a frog. That's been repeating in my head on and off for about a month at least. Apparently it's an ADHD trait. I've found it goes when I self-med for concentration which is about 10 shots of coffee and a bunch of L-Theanine. That also gives me the ability to finish tasks and achieve stuff. Having a couple of beers will also stop it, but they make me stupid and slow, so not particularly useful.
Only a few lines or a riff, but they will repeat for as long as they want.
This rarely happens to me, but it did just a couple of days ago which surprised me.
I immediately "de-focused" on it and it stopped.

I'll also get certain phrases just repeating, though that's a lot less common.
I used to hear the same phrases on the TV or radio constantly for a period of time years ago.
Then there would be a different set.

I would have a compulsion to change the channel, and as soon as I did, there were the same series of words.
In my case, it is not echolalia since it isn't coming from me.
This rarely happens to me, but it did just a couple of days ago which surprised me.
I immediately "de-focused" on it and it stopped.

I used to hear the same phrases on the TV or radio constantly for a period of time years ago.
Then there would be a different set.

I would have a compulsion to change the channel, and as soon as I did, there were the same series of words.
In my case, it is not echolalia since it isn't coming from me.
Interesting. To note I only offered my experience in case others had similar - not intrusive thoughts, but background noise - and perhaps felt they were alone in having this.

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