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Is it normal for some aspies to be doubtful?


Active Member
I have big doubts on 2 topics: getting a job and making new friends. I think the chance if those things are happing are next to zero. Someone said today I will probably make new friends. But I think it's the opposite: I probably won't make new friends, and I don't like it when people say things that are probably not going to happen. And as for me getting a job, I haven't in my nearly 40 years had a independent paid job and I just don't see that changing now. Anyone here have big doubts as well?
Just from being on the forums here, and reading these posts over the years, I would agree that many "Aspies" are more inclined to have a wide array of negativity about themselves and the world around them. There's a long list of reasons for it. However, it saddens me that it doesn't have to be this way.

I am not this way, and some others on here are not, as well, and I am suspecting it had a lot to deal with our upbringing.
I tend to be doubtful of my capabilities and intelligence. I think it has to do with my past trama with bullies. I always think I’m weird and people don’t like me when it’s the opposite. I get compliments everyday at work and about how the customers missed me this week. It’s hard when your doubting yourself.
I'm doubtful on the getting a job front but I'm hopeful.
The friends one too as I don't like new people coming into my life.
I already get upset when someone like my housing manager is sick and they send in a substitute and I wish they just had the one guy doing maintenance and repairs... I'm not comfortable letting strangers in my house.

So if I do make any new friends, they're going to have to put up with me really not liking them and wishing they would just go away in the beginning of the friendship...

It's okay online though...

I'm also doubtful of my capabilities and intelligence like @DaisyRose, I always feel like I'm going to make some mistake and cause some disaster
Oh, yeah. I question all the time if I’m good enough - for women, for employers. My current employer actually turned me down twice before I got hired the third time I applied, though our company’s been sold since I first got hired.

So, I have doubts if I know enough, if I’m good enough, if I belong.
No doubts. I'm pretty sure interacting in the NT dominated world is going to be a chore. That's why I love my alone time
I have big doubts on 2 topics: getting a job and making new friends. I think the chance if those things are happing are next to zero. Someone said today I will probably make new friends. But I think it's the opposite: I probably won't make new friends, and I don't like it when people say things that are probably not going to happen. And as for me getting a job, I haven't in my nearly 40 years had a independent paid job and I just don't see that changing now. Anyone here have big doubts as well?
Yes it is easy to doubt and fear
About anything I have struggled with confidence due to weight loss
And it is hard being a talented person sometimes you hate it.
It gets old.
Being so.intense and the 'talented' one.
And being so absorbed in talents it gets old and boring

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