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Is It Normal For Some Aspies To Have Big Anxiety Issues?


Active Member
I get huge anxiety about stuff sometimes, for example I get anxious trying to get a hold of people, waiting for stuff in the mail sometimes, PMS, I get anxious about my weight. Does anyone here get really anxious?
I get anxious about almost everything. Just today about 3 different issues made me anxious.
I am diagnosed with GAD to be fair though.

Even as I type this I'm trying to fend off yet more anxiety. I'm not doing very good at it.
I get huge anxiety about stuff sometimes, for example I get anxious trying to get a hold of people, waiting for stuff in the mail sometimes, PMS, I get anxious about my weight. Does anyone here get really anxious?
Yes, it's normal. For example, I'm anxious when I think about my future, or when I am not sure about something, or when a plan could change. I understand you, it's difficult to stop having this kind of anxiety.
I get huge anxiety about stuff sometimes, for example I get anxious trying to get a hold of people, waiting for stuff in the mail sometimes, PMS, I get anxious about my weight. Does anyone here get really anxious?
Yes I worry persistently about things.
But my things are,pretty huge
I do probably get really anxious at certain times but I have to push through
Yes I've been told by specialist healthcare professionals that it is common for people with autism to experience anxiety.

for example I get anxious trying to get a hold of people, waiting for stuff in the mail sometimes

I get extremely anxious. Similar things to those you listed. I think it's the main difficulty I have and I'm actively trying to figure out ways to minimise it because I think that would improve my quality of life a lot.
Oh so very much yes.

If it isn't something I do frequently, there will be anxiety when I do it.

It isn't always bad, but the more things go zigzag, the worse it gets.
I hope so...otherwise I'm suing that therapist that told me all of these reasons, diagnoses and whatnot.
I find it hard to imagine that a whole lot of people can suffer from a fundamental misalignment of their perception and expectations of the world compared to reality and not suffer from anxiety.
How can anyone *not* have anxiety or depression from being forced to live in a stupid world full of stupid humans?
Anxiety runs in my family, and my mum had severe anxiety issues but wasn't autistic.
But I think my anxiety is partly inherited from my mum but also due to ADHD, as my anxiety seems to come from overthinking due to my thoughts moving fast ahead and letting in all these "what ifs".

A few things that I get anxious about or what causes anxiety for me:-

- Being judged or targeted in some way in public
- Unintentionally breaking the law and getting into trouble
- Being blamed for something I didn't do and nobody believing me
- Failing socially, being rejected socially
- Bad things happening, such as getting ill or becoming homeless
- Being easily freaked out by things such as fires or people and animals dying
- Thinking the worst, catastrophic thinking, more about things what have a low chance of actually happening, such as dying from covid or being in a plane crash
- Being branded as a narcissist, racist or sociopath with no empathy (the people who did this have no idea how much it damaged me and I hate them for it and vow to never speak to them again)
- Having trouble "moving on", being frightened of history repeating itself
- Matter of fact cliches
- Feeling helpless or powerless to avoid something that makes me anxious
- Comparing myself to my peers, although I'm getting better at this now, as it seems to be getting easier as I'm getting older, although I do sometimes still feel stupider than my peers and worry that I'm failing in the employment world compared to them
- Politics, the country being ran by useless prime ministers who think everyone's rich like them
- Threats in the media, such as nuclear bombs, viruses and threats to take the NHS away
- Having no money to enjoy or spend on something essential such as new shoes
- Having no jobs to do at work
- Rumours that have a 50/50 chance of being true or false, like the garage where I work closing down
- My loved ones getting ill and dying (it has already happened to my mum). I couldn't be without my family or my husband
- Certain noises, particularly unavoidable/innocuous noise such as neighbours, ambulance sirens, crying babies, etc
- Trust issues with strangers
- Getting ill and having to take time off work, especially now that I've had a warning
- Getting sick on vacation
- Vomiting

There's probably loads more that I can't think of right now. But this is the burden I have to carry around with me all the time, and yes sometimes I laugh at myself for worrying about something not worth worrying about, but I can't help it. It's like my brain is always whirring with thoughts. I am a big thinker, with a big imagination, and a good memory of the past. It can be a blessing sometimes, but combined it can cause a lot of stress, anxiety and depression.
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I have covid anxiety, health anxiety, climate change anxiety, nuclear war anxiety, seasonal anxiety, aging anxiety, and anxiety anxiety.

I don't really have social anxiety, I just hate people. :smilingimp:
I get huge anxiety about stuff sometimes, for example I get anxious trying to get a hold of people, waiting for stuff in the mail sometimes, PMS, I get anxious about my weight. Does anyone here get really anxious?

Yes, I get anxious about everything and I always have. Where I grew up there was desert behind our house and I would walk our dogs back there. I started seeing the wild rabbits. I looked at how they moved and looked at things. Always ready to jump, they looked constantly scared. I was young but I realized that is what I was like. We were exactly the same.

I was not like the other kids at school and none of the people on tv looked like me but those rabbits were like me. I have thought about them all my life since. Always looking for trouble always worried, always ready to jump. It is like that. Every night I have bad dreams, stress nightmares. All day I try to keep patterns.

The only things that seem to help are exercise, which calms me a lot or being happy. When I am happy my anxiety gets much better.

I wish growing up I had known there could be someone else like me but I did not so being scared all the time was another way I felt alone in the world.
I tend to overthink, and that causes a lot of anxiety. Too many 'what ifs.' I'm not a particularly creative person, but when it comes to thinking about all possible outcomes and what might go wrong, I have buckets full of imagination.

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