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Is it rare for somebody with aspergers to be highly skilled in more than one subject?


Well-Known Member
I am a 19 year old with aspergers going my third year of high school also known as gymnasiet or the gymnasium when translated to English.

What I would like to know is , is being highly skilled in more than one subject rare to have for someone with aspergers?

Because as of now I have two main interests I am quite skilled at and those are computers and anything related to software of which I have 9-10 years of experience since I was a little boy.

One example of this was the time I had to configure a Ubuntu server on an ancient 12 year old desktop machine to use as a media server running plex which meant installing additional different programs such as a firewall ,an ftp server but also configuring the network settings manually.

Or that one time I had to clean out that same PC because it was insanely noisy but also because it became hot after a while which was why I opened it up only to find craploads of dust bunnies in every nook and cranny because that PC had not been opened up since it came out of the factory in 2007 and when I used pressured air to blow out the dust it was like a literal blizzard of dust bunnies.

I also have one more special interest and that is aquariums and aquarium fish , in fact I became so enthralled and interested in getting an aquarium I researched all I could find for several months non stop which all culminated in me getting my first aquarium set up during early January this year and now 5 months later it's still going strong and I hope it will for years to come.

In fact if a beginner asked me for advice he/she would probably have more success keeping the aquarium alive than asking a pet store employee for advice which is not always a good idea because they can say things that are just harmful myths or they will not tell you about important things such as the nitrogen cycle or that mixing certain species of fish such as mixing oscars and cardinal tetras is a very bad idea which is something that seems to happen in american pet stores such as petco or petsmart .

My next project in terms of aquariums is to start keeping discus in a large blackwater aquarium of 300 liters or larger possibly with cardinal tetras.
I don't know.
Can only speak for myself, but, I have several different areas of deep interest and several degrees in
different subjects.
Medicine and metaphysics.
And special interests in psychology, astrophysics, philosophy, gardening and geology/rocks/crystals.

It's like having a never ending need to learn all I can on these subjects.
When I was in my teens, I also was into aquariums and fish.
Had 20 tanks in the house once. :rolleyes:
It depends how many special interest one has. Since we have a deep focus and a great need to understand everything there is about these specific subjects, we easily form skills in these areas and the more time we spend on them, the better we get.
My next project in terms of aquariums is to start keeping discus in a large blackwater aquarium of 300 liters or larger possibly with cardinal tetras.

Word of cation Diskus is ONE of the HARDEST and MOST demanding fresh water fish you can have my young friend + they are VERY expencive as well + you need to up that tank to roughly Min. 50 L / fish and as Discus are school living you need min 6 + to start with and the smaller they are the higher mortality you have on them sadly + as they grow so does the price tag. So that would be recomended MIN 400 + L. BUT of course i wish you all the luck (2 thumbs upp )

When I was in my teens, I also was into aquariums and fish.
Had 20 tanks in the house once. :rolleyes:

WOW Susan only 20 ? I had that and added multible terrariums all sizes in my First 1 room apartment ;):eek::)
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People often use the example (for autistics) of being intensely focused or interested in one subject, but it is not completely accurate. It can be multiple subjects/activities and the subjects can change. The tendency to concentrate and learn about things that interest us is a fairly common trait not that there is always only one thing.

I have had many different ones. Early on, even before I knew I was autistic I found out by trial and error that it was best for me to try and have one practical/physical interest and one cerebral/thinking interest going on at any given time. For me it helped keep a good mental balance.
Whatever we find interesting we can conquer. If we don't find it interesting forget it, we'll never get it. At least for me, it's that way.
If you need inspiration look at some videos by @Jenisautistic She is an amazing young lady that has had to live with hardships I couldn't imagine yet doesn't let that stop her from following her passions.
Whatever we find interesting we can conquer. If we don't find it interesting forget it, we'll never get it. At least for me, it's that way.

With a caveat that if it has a physical skill component that could be crash n burn time for some of us... I tried so hard to play the guitar, but oh dear... years of practice can't make an inept person a guitar expert... not this inept person, anyway. Sad face.
I don't think it's rare. I used to focus much of my time on two special interests. Having less interests and spending more time than most people on those interests is what is more common among autistic people. I think it's probably because people with many friends tend to enjoy activities with their friends while people with less friends have more time to focus on what interests them.
Oh and reg the question n its not uncommon that us with (all levels Included ) exeed on a divercety of diffent intrests we are interested in. As we get so soaked up in our special intrests wich is often somewhat unusual and not normal in other people opinion (its also ONE of the criterias to get this diagnosis actually ;))

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