I became good friends with somebody when I was in 8th grade. He's witty, charming, and smart. I moved back to Missouri after 8th grade to go to high school, and after 9th grade, my friend moved to South Africa. After a few years there, he came back. We are about to start our senior years at (different) high schools. While he was in South Africa, we IM'd on Skype a lot. But the thing is: I don't know if he's really that interested in me as a friend anymore. He came over to my house yesterday, and we did some things, but there were times when we were bored and he didn't seem to be having a lot of fun. I felt like an awful host, and that's when it hit me that I felt he deserved to be around more interesting people, and that he hung around me mostly to make me happy. I had this suspicion before; a lot of it was because I'm usually the one who tries to initiate the conversations on Skype and the one who invites him to hang out and do something. So I don't know if he's just being polite by continuing to talk to me, or if he truly does want to remain good friends. If he doesn't, I don't want to push him to do more things with me, but if he does, I don't want him to think I'm neglecting him by not talking to him as much, even though I'm usually the one to start the conversations anyway. I don't know what to do...