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Is there a need for legal resources involving disability and Autistic rights ?


All your bases are belong to us
It's just a thought about how handy it might be to have a website dedicated to free resources involving documentation on the rights of people with disabilities or Autism (which I'm not grouping the two into one), legal help for when they need it and what they could do in case of decriminalization as well as they're rights and etc ..

Once again I'm not making Autism and disability a synonymous thing, I think they go hand in hand in cases of legal issues and I ask people to forgive me if I'm sounding or being arrogant or stupid sounding :/ I was thinking of having resources handy to help the Autistic and disability population get the job or career they desire and the financial help they need to make it out on their own and live the life that they want to live.
I think this really depends on where you live. Some places probably have decent support for these matters in terms of legality.

In fact, I was given legal advice by the doctor and specialists about my condition when I applied for disability income.

What might however been handy is to know where to find lawyers and similar legal specialists that specialize in ASD (in all it's variations). I don't know if they're around as much, let alone in rural (or otherwise not densely populated) areas. But then again, it also depends on if it's worth having an office for such services, since it probably won't be big business 24/7 like a regular service would.
Knowing an established and successful precedent would be encouraging if an Aspie wanted to grieve discrimination in the workplace. I am soooo very fortunate to have been able to stay employed until I chose to retire.
It's just a thought about how handy it might be to have a website dedicated to free resources involving documentation on the rights of people with disabilities or Autism (which I'm not grouping the two into one), legal help for when they need it and what they could do in case of decriminalization as well as they're rights and etc ..

Once again I'm not making Autism and disability a synonymous thing, I think they go hand in hand in cases of legal issues and I ask people to forgive me if I'm sounding or being arrogant or stupid sounding :/ I was thinking of having resources handy to help the Autistic and disability population get the job or career they desire and the financial help they need to make it out on their own and live the life that they want to live.

I have often thought about that, because most of our laws are aimed at people with handicaps, but most will automatically think about physical handicaps. This is a tough subject, but will certainly consider this in my new criminal justice business. That will be very enjoyable to shed some light on the trials of people with these conditions, can't hurt.
Want to tell the truth about the terrible treatment of people with these conditions. Want to shout out the truth, show it in black and white.

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