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Is there a way to minimize the chat room area?


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Hi Brent, Nitro, Tree,

Is there a way to minimize the open chat room area that I'm unaware of? I'd like to be able to not see it, as I find it distracting while at the forum. Mainly because it's scrolling intermittently.
Noticed that you can minimize the other areas, but not the chat room. Is there anything anyone can do about it? I'd appreciate it.


I can agree. I find the new layout is wasting bandwidth for people didn't want to access chat that appears on certain pages by default.
I so agree! In truth I do not like having other people's chats in my face, so to speak.

I hate chat; tried it once or twice and to me, it is just like having to chat in a group; I get confused and stressed beyond belief. Not, of course, does that mean take it away; but please give us a choice whether we see it or not eh?
On my laptop and phone, my bookmark is for the "new posts": I don't see the chat entering that way.
I'm the same mia,it really distracts me,but i swapped temporarily to using *gags* Microsoft edge at the moment because on my firefox it has been taking around a minute to load each page,i don't know how to find out what version of firefox it is but it isn't outdated.

and one thing ive found on Microsoft edge-it doesn't display the chatroom and it helps me automatically with my grammar,woo.

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