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Is there any way to make the blinking an option the same way sounds are in chat?


Playing in the rain =P
Is there a way to add an option for making the blinking boxes quit blinking after a couple times or to make them not blink at all in chat? When you're in a private conversation, or vice versa in general chat and get a private message the little box that says the name of the rooms blink constantly until you click on them. It's really hard to concentrate on finishing a message and sometimes it also manages to make you exit general chat when that wasn't your intention. Is there any way to make the blinking an option in the same way that sounds are an option?
Maybe it’s due to undiagnosed ADHD but I have the same problem. I can’t concentrate in finishing a message until the blinking stops. I would prefer that it only blink temporarily, 2-5 seconds, or blink much slower, once every 15-20 seconds. If I could turn off the blinking altogether that would be best, but I don’t know what limits the programming code might present.

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