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Is There Now A Log Out Function?


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
A function that logs you out after so much time without a keystroke? Lately I find myself typing away, only to find the site telling me I need to log in when I already did.

Very annoying, especially when it occurs without warning.
A function that logs you out after so much time without a keystroke? Lately I find myself typing away, only to find the site telling me I need to log in when I already did.

Very annoying, especially when it occurs without warning.

If you are clicking Remember Me when you login in then you should be good. If not, then delete your cookies, cache and restart your computer. We recently upgraded our server which changed the ip and a few other things. Probably just a cache issue with your browser.
If you are clicking Remember Me when you login in then you should be good. If not, then delete your cookies, cache and restart your computer. We recently upgraded our server which changed the ip and a few other things. Probably just a cache issue with your browser.

Hmmmm. Guess I'll have to keep an eye on this.

Upon closing my browser I almost always manually delete my browser's cache. I never use any site's "remember me" functionality, so it's normal for me to manually type in a password with each session if I already left the site. But I often leave this site logging off without closing my browser or cache.

OK Brent, I'm freshly logged in again, so I'll let you know if I'm bumped off again in this session. Thanks.
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