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Is this a scandal?

Lemon Zing

Well-Known Member
I went to court a week ago. This is to do with a matter that has been happening on and off since 2014.

In the space of a year, the police came with three arrest warrants as I basically told the solicitor I had that I couldn't travel to the venue alone, as it was not my local court, and I get anxiety. If I got bail, they deferred things to a future date. So of course, one has to go back when the time comes.

Without knowing what the case involves, it would seem convoluted to anyone just reading a huge rant, so I cannot go into too many details. But I had a ton of problems with two female, former support workers, which escalated into a right big mess because I wanted... answers from them over being betrayed, I suppose. But they had been granted these no contact orders.

Anyway, in 2020 when the lockdown was well underway, cops lifted me at my address and never told me why I was actually arrested. I felt it was a sham they conjured up on purpose, as some order had recently expired that year. They never told me what the arrest was about, even while waiting in the police van outside the station. I never got my lawyer's call either. Then she got a new NHO for 10 years after a lot of deferring occurred. The first one had been for 5 years.

So fast forward to just last week there. They sentenced me to home curfew for 135 days regarding the other support worker, so the offender gets a tag placed on their leg, so the G4S people can check if you are in your flat between 7 in the evening until 12 hours later, as they plug in a meter. Right?

Anyway, all I said to the woman's arrogant ex-boyfriend (who previously lied about me being 'well known' to him) was something along the lines of, "Just admit it. You and (name of lady) never cared about me!" But the comment was sent on Facebook back in the autumn of 2021.

It seems the court just enjoys picking on me, as this has essentially happened over and over again, and all the lawyers do is get me off the hook, as opposed to delving into the ins and outs of the situation. People I see for court reports could be stitching me up. But since I never get to read the paperwork on file, I can only hazard a guess they make up stuff.

This has been a major ordeal for years. Nobody has ever explained any appeal process, and you readily get excuses from receptionists to call the Law Society of Scotland (to seek out legal advice) when any law firms you ring up act confused or disinterested in assisting you any further.

And the prior lawyer I had for 9 long years was a moron. From losing a computer stick with proof on it to being sarcastic, then insulting my late mother, I felt I had every right to ditch his services. As you should. He was a clown show.

My sister is in the same boat. Social workers threaten her a lot. She goes to see her daughter at this library where the council is, but then they begin picking on her in various ways, or mentioning subtle things to attempt to make a big stink over nothing of importance. Then if there is a hearing, they say they will appoint a safeguarder, or worse.

I do feel like my rights have been violated. Because you should be allowed to appeal something, as you're only allowed 7 days. But legal aid only goes so far.

If you reply, please don't quote the whole post. Cheers.
Another thing I should point out is that I accompanied my sister to a meeting months ago. She insisted I stay in the room with her to overhear everything that this social worker was talking about, but I mostly kept quiet.

My sister got asked several questions about her ex, because he has an alcohol issue and abused her during their relationship. She then got hand delivered papers, but I was mentioned in them as well. The social worker erroneously made out I'm on this SO register and that it's therefore seemingly not appropriate for me to be present when my sister sees my niece.

That's bull crap. Because I called my lawyer to make an enquiry into this libel, and she said I'm definitely not on any register. And my sister doesn't even have a (legitimate) diagnosis of FND anyway. That was stated in error regardless, before she switched to another medical practice, so there was a huge carry on for a while.

It's actually benign tumours that painfully press down on her nerves, and maybe cause a hormonal imbalance, or something.

Anyway, Autism Initiatives in Scotland employs a lot of unqualified imbeciles. There was a guy working for them in 2008 who sent me a lot of derogatory emails about a wrestler, who he said was "gay". He told me to shake off my mortal coil while playing 80's music he namedropped, which if you don't actually know, it more or less means you should go kill yourself.

Sounds more like your country's civil legal system is a scandal in itself, operating more as a government bureaucracy and less as a hall of civil justice.

Though it's also no secret that in Britain, the bar to establish personal injury is considerably lower than in my country, where it takes a lot more than hurt feelings to successfully litigate in a civil court.

Often leading to a lot of time and trouble leading nowhere other than to pay the salaries of social workers, law enforcers and officers of the court. In a country plagued with economic problems.

My problem though is that I become angry and feel like I have to get the last word in too much. But they used to call the police when I stayed in supported accommodation, so I would get into trouble. Then they denied calling them, which was totally pointless.

My problem though is that I become angry and feel like I have to get the last word in too much. But they used to call the police when I stayed in supported accommodation, so I would get into trouble. Then they denied calling them, which was totally pointless.

Seems like a vicious circle where nothing is resolved. Then again if this is the usual outcome, it would seem that any "last word", isn't really necessary. That such situations always end without any real resolve. They know it, and you know it. The essence of bureaucracy. Wheels furiously moving, but going nowhere.
Occasionally, after 6 o'clock, I will call Breathing Space Scotland, or the Samaritans. Depending on who answers the call with Breathing Space, some people reply and provide sympathy, or make the effort to ask me questions about the things I speak of, so they can be up to speed with what one is mentioning. But some other callers say very little to well, basically nothing. So it's not always a helpful hotline to call.

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