This is a tumblr I came across that I thought was funny: "A celebration of computer science's most violent Hello World substitute, It Runs Doom showcases all the systems that strange people have managed to get to run the popular 1993 action game Doom."
It Runs Doom!
Very impressed that someone managed to somehow play Quake with an oscilliscope:
It Runs Doom! • A Huawei V-422 Oscilloscope? Yeah, it runs Quake....
Some of the attempts at making Doom run on various weird/obsolete platforms are less successful than others, like this attempt at a C64 verion:
It Runs Doom! • The Commodore 64? It can’t run Doom, but oh, how...
It Runs Doom!
Very impressed that someone managed to somehow play Quake with an oscilliscope:
It Runs Doom! • A Huawei V-422 Oscilloscope? Yeah, it runs Quake....
Some of the attempts at making Doom run on various weird/obsolete platforms are less successful than others, like this attempt at a C64 verion:
It Runs Doom! • The Commodore 64? It can’t run Doom, but oh, how...