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Just general musings


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Where we used to live ( here in France), people wondered with marvel that I never suffered loneliness and in fact, I often thought the same thing. We lived in a very rural area; barely saw anyone and alone all day, due to hubby working from early in the morning to late in the evening. No licence and no personal money. Did panic rather a lot at the thought of hubby dying and wondering what would happen to me, but never loneliness.

We move to a different village; not quite so rural and I have the same situation and the same hobbies and yet, 3 year's after moving, I started to feel lonely. At first, it was relentless and very scary, because nothing eliviated it. I have a good relationship with my congregation and my God now, yet, that sense of loneliness attacks me. Could it be age related? Perhaps.
I don't have an answer for you Suzanne. That sounds really tough. I think we all need different levels of connection to others at different times. But maybe it is age related. I wonder if the body simply isn't able to process some hormones and neurochemicals as efficiently when we age. That is not very helpful, sorry!
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Maybe you are homesick? I often wish I could go back to my hometown, even though there's no one there who would know me anymore.
Is your French good? I know I wouldn't easily cope with having to use a language other than English. That could be isolating for me. I remember you said there was a good friend you had, has she gone, or was she in the previous place maybe? I'm sorry you are feeling lonely, it sounds like you cope well, but it must be challenging at times.
Where we used to live ( here in France), people wondered with marvel that I never suffered loneliness and in fact, I often thought the same thing. We lived in a very rural area; barely saw anyone and alone all day, due to hubby working from early in the morning to late in the evening. No licence and no personal money. Did panic rather a lot at the thought of hubby dying and wondering what would happen to me, but never loneliness.

We move to a different village; not quite so rural and I have the same situation and the same hobbies and yet, 3 year's after moving, I started to feel lonely. At first, it was relentless and very scary, because nothing eliviated it. I have a good relationship with my congregation and my God now, yet, that sense of loneliness attacks me. Could it be age related? Perhaps.
Can you imagine a particular type of relationship or change that could possibly ease the type of loneliness you are experiencing?

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